Principal Report

Dear families,


As we approach the end of the year we begin to focus on transition through the school. Today is the last portfolio drop that comes home. The grades for the individual tasks are on Compass. Towards the end of the year your child will receive a semester 2 report their progress overall, rather than by graded tasks. 

In school we are busy collating all assessment data, as well as all the things we have learned through the year. Over the coming weeks teachers will know where they will teach, as well as the children they will be teaching. The teachers will then begin to learn about your children before they become their teachers in 2025. In the coming weeks we will share with you which teachers are leaving, and who is joining us here for 2025. 


Getting to Know You Information

One of the recent requests was a survey called 'Getting to know you information' 

229 responses is an amazing success, thank you! We are greedy and would like 100%. 

Please add your details this weekend. We will follow up on any missing children next week as we use this information to create a letter from your child/family to their new teacher. 



Class lists 

Creating class lists is a process that takes our teachers time to compile. They are compiled using their professional judgement that is formed over many hours of teaching throughout the year. Any changes after they have been created always have unintended impacts on other students. Thank you to those parents who offered suggestions for their children for who they think their child will work well with. It is not possible to meet all requests, however there is always the intention to match as many requests as possible. There are no changes occurring to these lists. Students will find out their teachers near to the statewide transition day that occurs on Tuesday 10th December. 


Smile Squad 

Smile squad has been a little tricky or organise day to day at school due to the way data is added at the head office. I apologise if it has caused any parent/carers frustration.

The actual process for students in school is calm and concise and we are assured all students that have requested a dental check will be seen.



It is always the run to the end of the year that we are at risk of some ordinary choices appearing by students. The rest of the year behaviour is exceptional. There are few reasons for this and it can be a mix of fatigue or a focus on moving on. We are going to discuss expectations next week so that we keep any incidents to a minimum as we approach the end of the year. 

What can you do to help?

Gentle reminders around the acceptable use of phones, uniform and choosing kind in person and online will help us here at school. Phones are not to be used from when students enter school. They should be shared and stored with their teacher. 


Wishing you a great week ahead. Stay cool and sun smart this weekend. 
