Inclusive Education
Assembly Awards
VPC News
VPC have really hit the ground running this term. We have been fortunate enough to continue to have Wood Tech sessions with Mr Stute each Tuesday morning. The students have finished off their pencil cases and are now working on tool-boxes. This term students have also been able to work with Mrs. Pyers in art, and have already started working on their clay products.
In class time, the students have been working on their final assessment pieces for the year and in Literacy they have begun work on their Passion Presentation. In Work Related Skills they have started practicing applying for jobs and will soon be participating in practice job interviews. In personal development skills they have a project requiring them to work in teams to complete challenges. While all eyes are on the year 12s who will be completing their Victorian Pathways Certificate in a matter of weeks, we have also started transitioning some of the year 10 students who will be in VPC next year.