
New Books for Literacy


In Term One of this year, the students in Years 3-6 will all be studying a novel.


Yr 3 - Matilda by Roald Dahl

Yr 4/5  - Leo and Ralph by Peter Carnavas

Yr 6 - A Ghost in My Suitcase by Gabrielle Wang


Instead of doing reading groups, the class will read the novel together, using a variety of approaches - tracking while the teacher reads, reading aloud as a group (choral reading) or tracking while one of their classmates reads.  During this reading session, the teacher will pause and define any tricky vocabulary, ask questions which prompt the students to think deeply about the novel, and discuss events to ensure students understand the story. They will also develop their writing skills by writing about the novel.  In this way, all students have the opportunity to engage with rich texts and experience language and stories that they may not have been able to access on their own.


We are very fortunate to have purchased class sets for some of these novels and the lovely Mrs Hendriks has worked hard to get them all processed, covered and ready to go!


Ask your child what has happened so far in their class novel!