Updates from the Office

Important reminders from the Office


Welcome to the beginning of a new school year. There are a number of requirements that the office will be requesting from families.


1. School Fee Statement 2025 and Direct Debit form


Thank you to all 2024 St Josephs parents and guardians who greatly cooperated with the payment of school fees allowing for the school to be in a strong position going into 2025. We are very proud to report that the school had no outstanding accounts at the year's end. 


Fee statements for 2025 will be emailed home next week. Please check your junk/spam box just in case. If you have not received your fee statement by the end of next week, please contact the office.


Regular payment plans will need to be set up and organised to begin on either of the followings dates:


Week commencing Monday 24 February 2025 


Week commencing Monday 3 March 2025


Please choose the week that best suits your family structure. 

St Joseph's offers flexible payment plans of weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly.


Please see the attached direct debit form.


2. CSEF form (information flyer is also attached)


The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school excursions, camps and sporting activities.


If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance is paid directly to the school to use towards expenses relating to Camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.


The annual amount per student in primary years is $154.00


All families, existing and new, will need to fill in a form, together with a copy of their concession card, and submit it to the office asap.


3. Conveyance Allowance payment


To be eligible for the conveyance allowance a student must reside 4.8km or more from the school/campus they attend. This distance is measured as the shortest practicable route from the student's residence to the school/campus using all-weather public roads drivable by car. Conveyance Allowance is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of traveling to and from school in a private vehicle.


At the end of each term, the school will receive a payment that will go toward your child's school fees.


Families who already claim conveyance will need to fill in a new form for 2025.

New Families to the school who are eligible for conveyance, please submit your form to the office asap.


4. MACS School Fees Concession Program form 


The MACS Fees Concession Program is to assist families experiencing financial hardship in accessing a Catholic primary education for their Child/Children.


Applications must meet the criteria to be eligible for the concession. Please see the attached form containing more information about the program.


All families that meet this criteria will need to return the form to the office by Friday 21 February 2025.


If at any stage you have any queries regarding the information in this email, please contact the office on 03 5967 1183.