News from Year Six

Exciting Start

What an exciting start to the year we have had with our Senior students receiving their Year Six Jackets and Leadership Badges, leading our first assembly of the year, and heading off on our first excursion today!



Homework in Year 6 consists of reading for 20-30 minutes every night and practising multiplication and division facts.  

This week we are focusing on the 3s.  Students need to be automatic with all facts from 0x3 to 12x3.  This will make more complex maths tasks in Year 6 far more achievable.  I have flashcards at school that the students are welcome to borrow.  They can also practise by writing out the facts, chanting them or practising them online on 


Would you please ensure that you sign the homework sheet at least once per week, to confirm your child's participation.


Parliament House Excursion

We have a set of budding politicians in our midst, judging by the way they handled themselves in the Legislative Assembly (green room) at Parliament House today.  Cindy McLeish even made time to drop in and say hello. 

Make sure you check out the Facebook page for photos and videos.