News from Year Three

Off to a flying start!
The Year 3’s have had a fabulous start to 2025! After a week of Wellbeing, get-to-know-you activities, setting expectations, routines, labelling and more… we have settled into our first week of formal learning.
In English, we have begun our text study of Roald Dahl's 'Matilda', and it has been great to hear the students reading aloud in clear and expressive voices. We have been discovering some interesting words from the text and learning their definitions and associated words. We have started handwriting practice and the Year 3s have been ruling a margin in their writing book.
In Maths we have been practicing our 5 and 10 times tables and challenging ourselves with how many we can write out in a minute. We have been learning to read and write up to six-digit numbers.
On Wednesday the Year 3 students took their homework folders home for the first time. Please read the parent note attached. The students have chosen 6 words from the list (taken from our spelling focus for the week) to practice four nights a week. Reading each evening makes up a large part of their homework too! If your child is already confident reading a chapter book from home that is fine, they can still include that in their reading log.
Congratulations Ivy and Blake!
Ivy and Blake have been chosen by their peers and teachers to be our Year 3 representatives on the SRC! They will meet with the school captains and other SRC members each month as the spokespeople and leaders of our class. They will discuss issues and ideas that students have to improve our school. All of the SRC representatives will attend meetings together and work alongside staff to propose ideas and changes within the school. We think these two will do a fantastic job!
Class jobs and Responsibilities
Our class jobs and responsibilities have also begun this week. We will rotate jobs each week and so far the Year 3s have been responsible and efficient!
3/4 Urban Camp!
Camp is next week!!! We are all very excited (mixed with some nervousness!) about our Urban camp. We have been discussing the different activities we will be doing and having a virtual tour of our accommodation. Please refer to your emails for more information and permission forms in nForma. Please contact Meg or Tilly if you have any questions or concerns regarding camp, we understand it is a big thing for the Year 3s especially.
Please feel free to contact us at any time via email, and we look forward to meeting with you next Monday 17th at our first Interviews.
Meg and Tilly