News from Foundation

Over the past three weeks, the Foundation students have loved school. It is amazing to see how much they have grown in confidence when coming to school and participating in all our school activities. It has been wonderful to see their smiling faces and their excitement to learn something new each day!
Fine Motor Skills
A big part of learning how to write is developing Fine Motor Skills in our hands and fingers. Over the past three weeks, the Foundation students have been working on these skills as they practice cutting with scissors, tracing lines, writing their names, using tweezers to pick up pom poms, making puzzles, putting blocks together, and much more!
In Maths this week, the FoundatMathtudents have been learning a lot about patterns. They have learnt about how patterns repeat over again. The Foundations have been creating their own patterns using different hands-on materials such as blocks, counters, animals and more! They have loved creating different patterns. Next week we will be focusing on making patterns that have 3 different objects in them!
Inquiry - My Community
This term in Inquiry we are going to learn lots about Communities- who can help us in the Community? What is a community? What Communities do I belong to?
To start, we talked about the Communities we belong to. Here are some pictures that the Foundation students took of their Communities.
Letters S and A
The Foundation students were so excited this week to finally learn 2 letters! This week we learnt the letters S and A! We made lists of words that started with this letter practised writing the letters and much more! They love singing the songs for the letters as well! They are excited to learn two new letters next week as well!
Congratulations to Mason and Isla who will be our SRC Representatives this year!