What's Happening in Grade 5?

Grade 5s have settled very quickly into their new surroundings in the BER and are engaged in all the exciting and interesting activities that mark a new year at Mackellar Primary School.


SWPBS  Week 3 was Internet Safety Week.  Students explored a range of resources on the Commissioner for eSafety website. They watched videos, participated in whole class discussions and made posters on topics such as how to keep safe and how to use the internet responsibly. They also attended  an incursion with the Proactive Policing Unit to learn more about safety and security.


NAPLAN  Over the next three weeks, Grade 5 students are participating in groups in Maths and English to prepare them for the upcoming NAPLAN testing in March.


Writing  Students are engaged in perfecting their skills in Exposition Writing. They are learning about modality, the features and purpose of a persuasive text and improving upon their use of time connectives, and writing strong arguments backed up by testimonials. 


Reading Students have set up their classroom libraries and are engaged in nightly reading and summarising novels they have chosen. They are participating in guided reading sessions learning strategies to strengthen their fluency and comprehension. Our shared book this term is the children’s classic 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe'!


Mathematics:  Year 5 students have been exploring their understanding of place value in creative ways. Check out the photos of our towers that represented different four-digit numbers!  We are working towards recognising, representing and ordering numbers to at least hundreds of thousands.  We are also becoming familiar with 24-hour time.


Interschool Sport:  Friday mornings Year 5 students have been training in AFL, soccer, netball or tennis in preparation for our first away game on Friday 7th March. We’re building the skills and fitness needed for our sport. Go, Mackellar, go!


Wendy Allan 5A

Judy Tanner  5B