Principal's Report 

 Dear Parents, 


Well, 2025 is now well underway with our prep students attending their first full week last week. If you have a prep child this year, no doubt you have noticed how tired they can be each day, especially towards the end of the week. This is normal as they adjust to the structure and length of the day. Over time they will become more accustomed to the days and become less tired. 

Over the past few weeks, we welcomed our student leaders for 2025 and they certainly made their presence known at our last assembly. A very big congratulations to all of them, and no doubt they will each do a remarkable job in their new role. 

Leaders' first assembly
Leaders' first assembly

One other item mentioned at assembly was a request for parents not to walk their children through the car park. Whilst it may save a second or two, the danger of something going wrong is too high. For everyone's safety, please  use the concrete paths to exit the school. 

On other news, our meet and greet nights are scheduled for Tuesday February 18 and Thursday February 20. On these nights parents share insights into their child that may assist teachers over the course of the year. It is not a student-teacher interview, so progress will not be discussed. If you are yet to do so, please book a conversation through XUNO. If you wish to speak to the phys ed teacher, food tech teacher or performing arts teacher, they will be located in The Hive. Bookings are not required for these teachers so just drop on in. 

The grade 5/6 camp to Phillip Island is approaching. We understand cost can be a challenge.  As it is now time for families to make further payments we hope families are aware of the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) and the School Saver Bonus (SSB), both of which can be used to offset the cost.  

In addition, families receiving Centrelink payments can use Centrepay which allows deductions from Centrelink payments as a way to pay items off.  If you would like assistance with any of these, please contact the office. All camp payments, or arrangements for payment, must be completed before the camp.

Finally, and as mentioned in our last newsletter, students will not be required at school on Monday March 10th for the Labour Day public holiday, or Tuesday March 11th for a curriculum day. TheirCare will be available on Tuesday the 11th for families should they require care. 


Kind Regards, 






Simon McGlade
