Digital Technology at FPS

Expectations for Digital Technologies

This year at FPS we are committed to caring for, and using devices responsibly which aligns with our SWPBS framework. Teachers and students have been learning together about the expected behaviours when using digital technologies at school through our new whole school ICT agreement. 


After reading the agreement and having discussions with their classmates, students signed the agreement to show they understand what is expected of them. Teachers and students are looking forward to using devices to help us learn throughout the year. 


ICT Expectations at FPS



At Fairfield Primary, we use ICT resources and equipment appropriately, and show care and kindness to others when using technology.


We do this by:

  • Handling devices with care. 
    • Charge and store devices in lockable storage when not in use.
    • Report if a device is not working or damaged to a teacher.
  • Thinking about how our words might make others feel before we say or write them.
  • Gaining consent before taking photos or recordings of other people.



At Fairfield Primary, we stay safe online and use the device as asked.


We do this by:

  • Having the device in the classroom where a teacher can see the screen. 
  • Logging out of our devices when they are not in use.
  • Keeping login details and passwords private.
  • Restricting the personal information we post online, including images and videos.
  • Talking to a teacher or trusted adult if:
    • We feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
    • We see others participating in unsafe, inappropriate, or hurtful behaviour.
    • We notice any damage to school technologies.



At Fairfield Primary, we use technology to help us learn. 


We do this by:

  • Following teacher instructions to access learning activities.
  • Only accessing programs and websites we have permission to. 
  • Only accessing your own documents and work.
  • Keeping the computer settings the same.
  • Turning off and securely storing our mobile phones during school hours.
  • Having smart watches on school mode during school hours. 



At Fairfield Primary, we ask for and accept help.


We do this by:

  • Following teacher instructions to access learning activities.
  • Have a go at problem-solving or seek support from a teacher. 
  • Staying calm when using technology is difficult.
  • Asking for help to understand how a digital tool can be used.