Inclusion Outreach Coaching & Interviews
Assistant Principal Update
Inclusion Outreach Coaching & Interviews
Assistant Principal Update
Inclusion Outreach Coaching (IOC) is a Victorian Department of Education initiative being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s Disability Inclusion Reform agenda.
Inclusion Outreach Coaches support schools to improve inclusive practice capability and, in doing so, improve student outcomes. The coaches work with each partner school for a defined period, focusing on a specific goal tailored to the school’s needs. They help the school develop a Partnership Agreement and support them to plan and implement actions to achieve their goal.
Coaches do not work directly with students or provide individual student support. Rather, they work with schools on problem-solving around a specific school-identified issue. They have expertise in inclusive practices and problem-solving, Multi-tiered System of Supports, a deep knowledge of teaching and learning, and the skills to coach and support others.
Fairfield Primary School has been fortunate to take part in the IOC initiative in Term 4, 2024 and this has continued into Term 1 of 2025. Ashlie Hassall, IOC, has been working with our Year 5 & 6 teachers and leadership on practical strategies and resources to help address the varying needs of our students.
This consistent collaboration has been crucial for enhancing teachers' confidence and skills in fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
A reminder that Parent Teacher Interviews are next week. The purpose of these interviews is to provide a snapshot of how your child has started the year – how they have transitioned socially and emotionally and observations on their work habits.
Parent Teacher Interviews are 10 minutes in duration will be held on:
A Few Reminders
~ Nicole Rettke, Assistant Principal