Individual Education Plans

Some students across all year levels will be supported to reach their academic expectations through the use of an Individual Education Plan.  These plans are supports in addition to the regular lesson plans that can be found on Compass. 


Individual Education Plans (IEPs) cover a number of areas that include:


  • 3 school wide goals that are linked to the College values
  • 2 Literacy goals for every subject
  • 2 Numeracy goals for every subject
  • How the teachers will support the student to reach all of these goals.


IEPs run for the entire semester.  Students who have an IEP can expect to have two IEPs across the calendar year.


Currently, the staff are in the “getting to know you” phase of the IEPs and the documents will be written formally in the coming weeks.  The College expects that IEPs will be available from the start of Week 7 and will be found in the Semester Reports section on Compass when they have been finalised.