A note from the editor

Welcome to the second edition of the Heathmont Gazette!


As the editor of the Gazette, I've been given the metaphorical pencil to share some thoughts on the start to the year- an opportunity I'm very excited about (I write with a cheeky grin!).


For those who haven't come across me in the community, my name is Jack Lynch, and this year I have a role that is designed to connect the community, both internally and externally, to Heathmont College. Part of this role is putting together the Gazette, and over the year this newsletter will be created in collaboration with a number of our amazing staff an students.


The start of  a school year is always a fun time. As we all get back into routine, the alarms are set for that 'just-a-bit-earlier-than-we'd-all-like,' staff think about the unknown of what the day will bring (Will the kids ACTUALLY like this awesome lesson I have planned, talking about subjects I love!?) and students try to remember which classroom Period 1 Math is in (and what actually is Pythagoras' Theorem?).


For some families, getting back into the swing of things is relatively straight forward and for others it can be an ordeal. In reality, we all find our way back into the groove at some stage, and in our own time. To those amazing parents and guardians out there who are finding it hard to get their kids out of bed, stick at it. Whether your young people tell you about all the awesome things we do here at Heathmont College, and those of you who get a mono-syllabic response when asking how was your day (looking at you, teenagers!), be assured that we love seeing each and every student come through the gates each morning. After all, we work in the education field; we have an underlying hunger to see young people feel a sense of achievement each and every day.


On the idea of achievement, we are on the look out to celebrate student achievements through this newsletter. Knowing that there are dancers, mountain bikers, gymnasts, math champions and young people achieving other amazing things out in the community, my job is to celebrate this and I want to hear about it! For those of you who venture all the way through the Gazette each edition, you'll notice that there are some new pages that have appeared recently to acknowledge this. I'd be grateful for any inside scoop on student achievements outside of the College- People deserve to be celebrated! So please, feel free to email me (jack.lynch@education.vic.gov.au) with a note to celebrate and perhaps some photos to match.


I don't quite know why I called this particular article 'a note from the editor.' Perhaps a more apt name would be 'ramblings from a staff member who snoozed their alarm twice before begrudgingly walking like a zombie down the hall to make a morning coffee before school.' 

Alas, across the year I hope you'll continue to read the Gazette, support the College and watch as your young person grows into a mature, future orientated student of the world.


Jack Lynch