Faith, Justice and Formation

SPC Laudato si’ Action Plan

We are very proud to announce the launch of the SPC Laudato si’ Action Plan at last Friday’s assemblies. This is a very important part of who we are as a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition, as God directed us to care for his creation from the beginning of time. It was not given to us to use and abuse, as is often seen in our modern world, but to live in harmony with and care for. There is no world in which we could believe that God gave us his creation to destroy.


It has been 800 years since St Francis of Assisi wrote the Canticle of Creation, which talks of how all of creation is created by God and is family to us through lines such as ‘Be praised, my Lord, for Sister Water’ and ‘Be praised, my Lord, for Brother Fire’. (The Canticle of Creation (by Saint Francis of Assisi) - Prayers - Catholic Online).


This year also marks ten years since Pope Francis’ encyclical, or letter to the Church, Laudato si’ (Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis) which talks about caring for our common home, the Earth. It talks about the relationship between God, humanity and the Earth, looking at how caring for the Earth is caring for people. The title, Laudato si’, means ‘praised be’, worshipping God for his creation. This term and so much of the encyclical is based on the Canticle of Creation by St Francis, who our Holy Father took his name from. 


Now in 2025, St Patrick’s College launches its Laudato si’ Action Plan, a plan and vision for ecological harmony in our community, contributing to the need in our world. 


Our Mission Statement is:

Inspired by Edmund Rice and St Francis of Assisi we strive to actively cultivate a sustainable relationship with all of God’s creation, planting the seed of change within the community to ensure a better world for all now and into the future.’ 

Many staff and students worked on this Plan over the past 12 months, and I thank them for their passion and their efforts. We now enter an implementation stage to guide us into the future. Any student who is keen to join this group can email me indicating their interest.


Sadly, too many of us are living in denial of what is happening to our planet, often because it is easier to live a life of convenience which we have become accustomed to rather than make small changes to help the lives of our descendants in the near future. Also, too many people politicise this issue when it is simply a justice issue that needs attention to enable all people, especially the poor to simply live in the coming decades (not centuries – by then it will be too late if we don’t take action to reduce global warming now).


Climate change is a real issue. We have already nearly reached 1.5 degrees Celsius increase since industrialisation, and if we continue life as normal, without making changes, it will reach beyond a 4-degree increase; drastically affecting all of us. Pope Francis said in Laudato si’ that climate change is “one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day” (LS 25). We don’t always realise it, though if you look close enough you can see many examples including extreme weather events and the loss of biodiversity, not to mention increased health problems, food shortages, changes in sport, climate migration, and more.


There is a lot of misleading information in the world about climate change, so we need to go to reliable sources. Some of the best information comes from the Conversation and the Guardian, or other Science magazines. If you are told that renewable energy and the like will cost us more money you are being misled, as the truth lies in the cost for our nation being 20 times greater if we do not reduce fossil fuels and reuse resources in the not-too-distant future. Though there may need to be some extra money spent to set things up. The cost-of-living crisis is also real and affects all of us, but not fixing climate change will only make it worse, not better. A question to ask ourselves - what is our responsibility to future generations? As Christians we must care for all life, but as parents/carers surely the desire could also come from caring for your children and grandchildren.


We are currently using 1.7 earths, when we only have one, with 80% of the world’s resources being used by only 20% of the world’s population – the wealthy, which includes us. If we continue overconsuming and putting carbon into the atmosphere we will lose many resources. As well as individual action and pressure on big businesses and governments, we need people taking on jobs that show care for others and not just for self; we need climate scientists, climate engineers, architects who build with care, town planners to create livable places, artists who can keep social justice issues in the psyche of the population and more.


Pope Francis addressed all of these issues and more in Laudato si’ and so our Laudato Si’ Action Plan is based on the seven Laudato si’ Goals set out in the encyclical. These are: 

  1. Response to the Cry of the Earth

  2. Response to the Cry of the Poor 

  3. Ecological Economics

  4. Sustainable Lifestyle 

  5. Ecological Education 

  6. Ecological Spirituality and 

  7. Community Engagement. 

Our Plan also used the EREA Climate Crises Response, Ask the Earth and It will Teach You as a foundation.


Often, we don’t act because we don’t know what to do and thus this plan will help guide our broader community into greater action. Wouldn’t it be an amazing thing if lots of our families took our document and sat down together during Earth Hour on Saturday 22 March, to discuss what they, as a unit, can do for our future to ensure that social, economic and ecological needs are balanced and sustainable?


Thanks to those who have already committed to living the year preparing nude lunches (even if it doesn’t earn you points), those who walk, ride or catch public transport to school, those who limit their use of AI and technology, those who consider the type of car they drive, and those who keep our place clean by putting rubbish in the bin. These are just some simple things to get started. You are not asked to do more than you can, but the very least is to be aware and do the things you can. (If you think about it, a sustainable life is a healthier and cheaper life in the long run.)


How old will you be in 2040? What do you think life will look like then? God willing, we are all still around to see a cleaner, greener world and that are able to say, “thank goodness we listened and took action” rather than be in a position where we are saying “I wish we had listened when we were told” (in reality we have been warned about the major concerns for nearly a century).


You can find the SPC Laudato si’ Action Plan and related resources on the College Website - Justice | St Patrick's College Strathfield.


So much more can be said in this space of sustainability and climate action, but the essence of this article is to showcase our Plan, the need for it and how we plan to implement it going forward. We hope you take some time to have a look and see how you can contribute to the big picture. Thank you for all considerations.

Old Palms Wanted 

If you have any dried palms from last year’s Palm Sunday that you are not otherwise using, could you donate them to the College for burning in preparation for Ash Wednesday, please? Just drop them into the Front Office by next Monday. Thank you. 

SOL Service Opportunities

While this information is in here predominantly for parents/carers to see, the onus is on your son to book in for service offered by the College. They should be aware of what is acceptable and what is not. Most of this service is for Years 9 and 10 as their service is centered around the College and our partners. But we also list other activities too.


There will be consequences for failure to complete SOL Service this year. This will include community service, notes on each report, reflection when students apply for immersion, and it may impede leadership opportunities moving forward. There will be more information on this in due course.


Last weekend showcased a lack of awareness or willingness to volunteer. All Years 9 and 10 students were asked to volunteer to help at the P&F barbeques at sport. Only 3 out of 400 students volunteered. There will be no excuses at the end of the year when chances are not taken up when they are offered. In the Winter season there will be a lot more of these opportunities. Only students who book in through the College can gain the points for these activities. Keep an eye out for offerings!


What is being offered at present:

  • Clean Up Australia Day at the College this Sunday 2 March. Students need to complete the form emailed by Mrs Cupac last week to register. Open to all year groups.


  • College Tours across the year. Students to complete the form emailed by me on the weekend. Open to students in Years 6 to 12.


  • Rubbish Club being offered to Years 5 to 8. Email from Mrs Fogliani.

Gillian Daley 

Director of Identity