Student Awards
Senior Campus
Student Awards
Senior Campus
Students of the Week
Isabel M, 6A - for coming into class with a great attitude, ready to do her best. A great start to Year 6, Issy!
Rafe B, 3B - for his fantastic description of his dragon, we wouldn't want to come face to face with him
HERRRBy Awards
Lachie J, 6B - for an outstanding All About Me presentation. You showed us your passions, loves and goals - unafraid to be yourself!
Mila E, 4C - for always displaying her HERRRBy Values and showing kindness to her classmates.
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Lila W, 3D - for working diligently and trying her best during apanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Freddie C, 4A - for being a fantastic team member and working enthusiastically during Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Charlie M, 3A - for demonstrating a good understanding of the Japanese hiragana. すばらしいです!Subarashiidesu!
Macy G, 6C - for demonstrating HERRRBy Values and being an active participant during and after Japanese class すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Zachary B, 3A - for being a super hardworking and responsible class member. A great start to Year 3!
Charlie M, 3B - For his fantastic presentation. You have set a high standard. Super job!
Ty R, 3C - for being a helpful classmate and showing great effort in his work
Rica Z, 3D - for being an outstanding role model to your peers. You are always looking out for your classmates and it never goes unnoticed.
Jackson A, 4A - for being very helpful when we were setting up our computer passwords. I’m very grateful. Thank you!
Will A, 4B - for confidently sharing a terrific presentation on his special interest, Animation.
Sampson Z, 4C - Welcome to 4C! We love having you at GPS.
Ryan F, 5A - for being a happy, helpful member of 5A who is always prepared to give 100%
Will E, 5B - for displaying excellent listening skills and following instructions carefully.
Hailey K, 5C - for consistently being a happy, resilient, and respectful member of 5C who always puts in her best effort
Zach G, 3A - for working so hard at his learning and making a wonderful start to Year 3!
Georgie C, 3C - for bringing a big smile into 3C and helping others, fabulous work Georgie.
Lucas G, 3D - for being such a kind and caring friend to your classmates. You are always willing to help out and support everyone in 3D. Keep it up!
Aviv K, 4B - for being an enthusiastic student who has made an excellent start to the year!
Frankie A, 4C - for your valuable contributions to our class mural. You have gone above and beyond. Thank you!
Frankie B, 5A - for a fantastic start to the school year and for impressing us with her creative skills!
Mila S, 5B - for demonstrating maturity and common sense. Just so impressive Mila.
Heidi E, 5C - for a fantastic start to the school year. Everyday she lights up the classroom with her positive attitude!
Seth L, 6A - for a great start to Year 6 and for always showing the HERRRby values!
Indie A, 6B - for demonstrating exceptional kindness and selflessness throughout the week. Kindness is your superpower!