
The last week of a very busy term with so many things happening at Plenty Valley Christian College culminating with Art Week and HeART of the Valley. A night of celebration of God-given creativity in all aspects of the college.
Term 3 is the time we begin to prepare for next year. 2025 is just around the corner. We are advertising, interviewing, and employing staff, interviewing for college captains and senate roles, creating budgets, and setting fees, auditioning for the 2025 senior production, and establishing a new leadership structure for next year.
It was a difficult decision to choose our senior student leadership team with some excellent young people willing to apply to serve the college. It is a real moment of pride when I see our student leaders represent the college. It is my pleasure to announce that Josiaah E and Ruby dS have been appointed as next year’s college captains, ably supported by Matthias P and Christelle VDM as the vice-captains.
We are blessed by the number of applicants we have had for our teaching positions at our growing school. In a time of critical teacher shortage, we are grateful to be able to fill all the roles we need. There are a few positions we would like that still need just the right people to fill and we would value your prayers for God to tap those people he has already chosen, for Plenty Valley, on the shoulder.
Speaking of a growing school, we have strong demand at all year levels wanting us to make more places available for new families. As you know we grew to three streams in Year 5 this year and that cohort will move upward, adding an extra class all the way to Year 12 over ensuing years. We have also decided to add another Year 4 class in 2025. When our extra classes reach Year 12 we will have hit our current numbers cap set by the Nillumbik Council (1150 students). We have applied to lift that cap, but that process takes years and is not guaranteed.
I am sure you are aware of the 5% fee increase for 2025. This was a hard decision for our Board who are very aware of economic pressures on our families. Unfortunately, the cost increases in schools are even higher than normal cost of living increases. As schools are given more responsibilities and deal with higher levels of students and families needing extra attention we need to increase and support our committed and talented staff. The government funding increase is much less than the 5.3% increase in education costs so even with this fee increase, we will need to be very careful with our budgets.
School Funding is still in the headlines, as states argue that the federal government should pay more to support their state schools. Christian schools have often argued that all Australian students should get a reasonable level of funding no matter which school they attend. The news chooses to demonise independent schools and their parents in this debate. Do not be shy in telling your friends and colleagues that every child that attends Plenty Valley Christian School saves the Victorian and Federal governments, collectively, about $10,000 a year. You mostly make up for that by paying fees. You also pay taxes that gives the governments the money they spread around schools and more of your tax goes to state owned schools than independent schools. You are more than pulling your weight in funding education in Australia.
As our teachers and students head off to a well-earned break, I pray it is a refreshing and fun family time and that we all return safe and energised for the last term of 2024.
John Metcalfe