Parents & Friends 

Happy end of term 3, didn't that come around fast!


We've had a busy end to the term, with our movie night on Wednesday being a great success.  A huge thanks to Sally, Sam, Alan, Amy, Dhyana, Jess, Isabel and Luke for all your help getting everyone checked in and seated in just 25 minutes.  I hope everyone who attended had a wonderful night.


A few things are happening in Term 4, starting with mangoes. Orders open the first day back, Monday 7 October.


Our next P&F meeting will be on Friday October 18 at 9am, would love to see many of you there.


Christmas is also coming around fast, and with it our annual Christmas Concert BBQ and raffle, so watch out for more info coming home soon,


We're also starting to think about 2025, and the ways we can change how P&F works to share the workload a bit more.  If you are interested in getting involved and can spare a few hours across the year, please get in touch for an obligation free chat to find out more.


Want to get in touch?

There are lots of ways to get in touch with me!


Facebook:  join the MPRPS facebook group @mprpsparentsandfriends

WhatsApp:  join the P&F WhatsApp group

Find me at pick up or drop off


You can also get in touch with our Community Support Representative Jess Walker at for a confidential chat if you need support for any reason.





P&F Coordinator