Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
Year 1 Sleepover Friday 18th October
We are looking forward to the Year 1 Sleepover this Friday 18th October at school from 5pm on Friday to 8.15am on Saturday. The purpose of the sleepover is to develop independence and confidence with sleeping in an environment away from home. It is an event which makes special memories your child can treasure as well as being part of our stepped approach, which begins with the Foundation BBQ and continues in Years 2-6 with overnight camps.
Year 2 Camp
Year 2 camp is at AFL Max, West Beach, from Tuesday 19th November until Wednesday 20th November. Consent forms have been sent home. We have now met our required number of adults for camp. Our Parent Volunteers for Camp are: Shaun Horspool (Jasper, 2/3T), April Demery (Harper 2/3T), Rebecca Andary (Aria 1/2AK) & Paul Rushton (Jack 1/2Z).
Church and School Fete
The School and Church Fete is this Sunday (20th October) from 10:30am – 3pm. If you can make it, the fete is always a great day celebrating the partnership between our school and church, growing our joint image in our community.
Take Home Books
Please bring these to school on Mondays in the clear plastic envelope for changing. On other days the clear plastic envelope can remain at home. Students are encouraged to borrow 4 books a week.
Reading – We encourage approximately 10-15 minutes each night.
Home Inquiry
Have a conversation with your parents about what life was like when they were growing up. How did they spend their free time? How did they communicate with friends and family who didn’t live with them? What was school like?
Learning for Week 2:
In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop we are finishing off our learning about reading and writing procedures.
Year 1
‘igh’ for /ie/ e.g. night, frightening
ew e.g. flew, newspaper
ou e.g. round, mouth
ow e.g. brown, flowerpot
oy e.g. toy, enjoy
Year 2
silent h e.g. hour, rhythm
ti for /sh/ e.g. action, fiction
silent c e.g. scene, muscle
ou, ow e.g. ouch, found
si for /sh/ and /zh/ e.g. occasion, division
Grammar Focus
Year 1: adverbs
Year 2: apostrophes
Year 1 students are learning about equal sharing and grouping. For example, sharing 24 cookies between 6 people. Year 2 students are learning about arrays and how they can be used to solve problems involving adding and multiplying.
Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are in Place and Time
Students begin inquiring into the daily routines of those in the past.
If you have any clothes or technology devices from the past that you are happy for us to look at or use during this unit, we would appreciate you sending them in.
Christian Studies: Christian Church
Key Idea 3: Christians Pray, Worship and Celebrate the Sacraments.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit/veg snack
lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home
Cancer Council recommends hats and sunscreen when the UV rating is 3 or above.
Library Borrowing
The whole class goes to the library on Wednesdays (Year 1/2Z) and Thursdays (Year 1/2AK). A reminder that individual students can borrow books on other days during the week if they would like new books before the class borrowing day.
May God bless your week,
Melanie and Ellen
Melanie Arnold
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer