Key Dates


*indicates a new date or change



Friday 13th 

Second hand uniform shop open 8:45-9:15am

School Review- Day 2 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, 

students, staff &  parents.


Tuesday 17th

*The Sacrament of Confirmation (Note change)


Wednesday 18th

Footy Day Parade & Activities


Thursday 19th

Last day of Term 3, students leave school at 1:30pm (Camp Australia OSHC available)


Friday 20th 

  School Closure Day  (Camp Australia OSHC not available)


Monday 7th

Term 4 begins for all students




School Closure Days and Camp Australia

Term 3

Thursday 19th September - Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of term for students)

Friday 20th September - School Closure Day  ( Camp Australia OSHC not available)


Term 4

Monday 4th November - School Closure Day  (Camp Australia OSHC not available)

Friday 15th November - School Closure Day (Camp Australia OSHC not available)

Tuesday 17th December - Early Finish 1.30pm (last day of the year for students)


School Review Dates

The dates of our school review are:

9th September - Day 1 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff &   parents.

13th September - Day 2 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff &  parents.

22nd October - Dialogue and engagement day.