Principal's Report 

STEM MAD Showcase

Dear Families,

Emerald Dreams Art Show

We are immensely proud of the work of our students, displayed creatively by Suzan Atyimas in our Emerald Dreams Art Show. It was a real pleasure for the staff and me to see our school families enjoying the experience. We thank Suzan, Anthony for organising the digital art, Cathy for organising the choir and our parent volunteers. We thank all of our families for coming to see the show.

When Catholic schools and families work together for the formation of all children, the school community is strengthened, and the whole of society benefits as a sense of ownership and belonging to community grows for children and young people, and for their families (Bryk et al. 2010). (Horizons of Hope CEM 2020)

Confirmation Reflection Day

On Wednesday 11th the Confirmation candidates participated in a Confirmation Reflection Day. Bishop Tomlinson had to re-schedule his visit with our Year 6 students to today. It was wonderful to see him engage with our Year 6's who are growing to become more mature and more aware young adults in preparation for their secondary school education. 

The reflection day focused on the Holy Spirit and its seven gifts. Students reflected on their own gifts and created symbols to represent them. They also designed a cap that expressed their chosen gift, and who they truly are and who they want to be. In addition to these creative activities, the group practiced for the confirmation ceremony and enjoyed a shared fish and chips lunch. The candidates finished the day with a discussion about the importance of family and their influence on spiritual development. 


We look forward to having the choir join us for the sacrament. We ask our community to pray for our candidates as they take this further step on their faith journey next Tuesday evening at 7pm.   


5/6I - Alessia, Sera, Isaac, Jason, Charlotte, Jayden, Saniru, Blake, Jonathan.

5/6J - Xavier, Pahanya, Maggie, Flynn, Izac, Chenoli, Maddie, Lucas, Nicolas.

5/6L- Arielle, Antoni, Elisha, Joshua, Zara, Axel, Emily, Marco, Divine, Ria, and Dylan.



Prayer focus "Helping Those in Need" 

Gospel Reading:

Gospel:  Mark 7:31-37

Jesus then left the neighborhood of Tyre and went on through Sidon to Lake Galilee, going by way of the territory of the Ten Towns. Some people brought him a man who was deaf and could hardly speak, and they begged Jesus to place his hands on him. 

So Jesus took him off alone, away from the crowd, put his fingers in the man's ears, spat, and touched the man's tongue. Then Jesus looked up to heaven, gave a deep groan, and said to the man, “Ephphatha,” which means, “Open up!”

At once the man was able to hear, his speech impediment was removed, and he began to talk without any trouble. Then Jesus ordered the people not to speak of it to anyone; but the more he ordered them not to, the more they told it. And all who heard were completely amazed. “How well he does everything!” they exclaimed. “He even causes the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak!”


Reflection Question to consider this week:

  • Empathy and Compassion: How does Jesus' encounter with the man with the deaf and mute illustrate the importance of empathy and compassion?
  • Healing and Restoration: In what ways does this healing act symbolize Jesus' desire to restore and heal broken lives?
  • Overcoming Obstacles: What barriers did Jesus have to overcome to heal the man? How can these challenges relate to our own experiences of helping others?
  • Motivation: What motivates you to help others? Is it compassion, duty, or something else?
  • Barriers: What obstacles do you encounter when trying to help those in need? How can you overcome these challenges?
  • Impact: What impact do your actions have on the people you help? How can you measure the effectiveness of your efforts?
  • Community: How can you work together with others to create a more compassionate and supportive community?
  • Self-Care: How important is self-care when helping others? How can you balance your own needs with the needs of those around you?
  • Gratitude: How can you express gratitude for the opportunities you have to help others?
  • Humility: How can you approach helping others with humility and avoid feeling superior?
  • Sustainability: How can you ensure that your efforts to help others are sustainable and long-lasting?
  • Hope: In moments of doubt or frustration, how can you maintain hope in the power of human kindness and compassion?
  • Legacy: How do you want to be remembered for your efforts to help others? What kind of legacy do you hope to leave behind?

Year 4-6 Wellington District Athletics

It was satisfying to hear of the good behaviour shown by our students at the Wellington District Athletics. The photos, below show the beaming faces of those students who achieved a ribbon. Those who competed are to be just as much proud of their achievement in making it to the day and for participating with their best efforts. A thanks goes to the staff for supervising the students so well. The high standards of behaviour were commented on by other school staff and this is due to our staff's high expectations and guidance of the students.

The Monash Waverley Division Athletics Finals are on the 9th of October.

Footy Day

All students are invited to wear their favourite footy team colours on Wednesday 18th September. We will have a parade at 9am which parents and families are most welcome to attend. Students will participate in football activities in their physical education lesson and enjoy a hot dog lunch. We are grateful to the PFA for organising the hot dogs.


School Review 2024

The School Improvement Framework (SIF): Growing Effective Schools recognises the distinctive nature of Catholic education. Focusing on the full flourishing of each student, this evidenced-based framework is designed to highlight the priorities and practices that support student outcomes through school improvement and effectiveness.

The SIF of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has two purposes:

  1. to assist schools and teachers to improve student outcomes
  2. to satisfy legitimate expectations of government and sector authorities.

We thank Paul Ledwidge for engaging with our staff, students and parents.


We have completed:

19th August- preliminary visit to check policies and child safety standards to ensure we comply with VRQA requirements.

9th September- Day 1 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff and  parents.

The remaining dates of our school review are:

13th September- Day 2 at the school with meetings of key stakeholders, students, staff and parents.

24th October- Dialogue and engagement day.


MACS, our staff and school reviewers consider the views of parents, students and staff and expressed through the MACSSIS surveys. Please consider completing the survey if you have not done so yet.

MACSSIS Surveys 2024

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024. MACSSIS produces perception data. This data tells us about what different people in the school community think and feel about their learning environment. We invite all families to complete the family survey using the link and pin that was sent via Operoo/email. All students in Year 4-6 will complete the student survey during class time. If you do not want your child to complete the survey, please contact the office before the 30th August. Our staff will also complete the survey. St Leonard's views MACSSIS as a positive opportunityfor gathering feedback and engaging the community in ongoing school improvement efforts.

As an incentive to complete the surveys, if parents let our school office know that they have completed the survey their child/ren will receive a zooper dooper. These students will go into a draw  to win their choice of a billabong back pack, marvel cap or a ball. Other prizes include an Action Kidz Holiday Coaching Program voucher or a $100 voucher from Action Box Hill (can be put towards a child’s birthday party.)

STEM MAD Showcase- The Healthy Bird House

Our school representatives presented their Healthy Bird House project for this year’s showcase  on Tuesday at the Catholic Leadership Centre, as part in the STEM MAD Showcase. There was a variety of projects on display, all workshopped through the design thinking process to Make A Difference (MAD) in our world.

During the Showcase Sessions students were expected to have a team to present their projects at all times, particularly during the judging. Team members took turns in leaving their stand and viewing other student groups. During the morning tea and lunch breaks, our students had the opportunity to participate in a series of activities, including the ‘STEM MAD Amazing Chase’, which will involved a series of challenges. The activities will included:

● Aviation Competition

● Monash Mars Nova Rover

● Jelly Bean Count & Tangrams

● Mindflight 7 VR - Pre-register

● Amazing Chase Launch Hub

● Sponsor Display

● Photo Booth

● Monash Rocket Display

● Pakronics Drones Display

● Gelati

● FM Live Broadcast

● Head In the Hole Photo opportunity

Although they did not win an award this year, we are very proud of the students' efforts and we know that each student learnt a great deal through being involved in the process.


  • On Tuesday we celebrated 30 years of Camp Australia with an Open Day Party. Rency prepared some delicious treats and it was an honour for Aimee Gale and me to cut the official birthday cake. The children enjoyed the party food, drinks, hats and games. This was an opportunity to reflect, with gratitude, on the service offered to our school families by Camp Australia and the warm, caring presence of Rency, who greets all children with a smile and engages them in creative and fun activities. Thank you Rency. 
  • We are excited that Anthonio from Year 5 together with his fellow choristers from the Australian Boys Choir Institute will be representing Australia at the New Zealand tour this September school holidays. They will be performing at a number of churches and schools in the beautiful North Island from in the path along Wellington to Auckland. Anthonio is thrilled to be part of this exciting tour not only representing Australia but also his school St Leonard's. Here is a photo of Anthonio in his Choir uniform.
  • We encourage everyone to check in with their family members, friends and acquaintances by asking, "Are you okay?" Everyone has a tricky time in their life from time to time so it's important that we look after each other. As a high performing school, we at St Leonard's value the wellbeing of our students and their families. We have many clubs running at lunchtimes to promote connectioin and wellbeing, such as our Book Nook (pictured below) and Year 5/ 6 SRC groups. If we can assist in any way, please approach us and we will be most happy to help.

Best wishes for a very happy week ahead. 


Rob Horwood
