Mission & Religious Education News

Life to the Full
Recently the National Catholic Education Commission published Life to the full: The mission and purpose of Catholic schools, with a foreword by the Chair of the Bishops Commission for Catholic Education, the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP.’
To access the full paper, please visit the NCEC website here.
FAQs: Do Catholics Pray To Saints?
It is common practice for Christians to turn to one another for support and encouragement as they journey through life. The Catholic way of ‘praying’ to the saints is simply an extension of this practice of drawing support from our faith family. Far from undermining adoration of God, devotion to the saints strengthens our love of God. awareness of the saints raises our sight, empowers us to aspire to gospel qualities and helps us to see our earthly lives from the perspective of the promise of eternal life.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Tue 3 Saint Gregory the Great
Mon 9 Saint Peter Claver
Thu 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary
Fri 13 Saint John Chrysostom
Sat 14 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast
Mon 16 Saints Cornelius, Cyprian
Tue 17 Saint Robert Bellarmine, Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Thu 19 Saint Januarius
Fri 20 Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and their Companions
Sat 21 Saint Matthew, Apostle
Mon 23 Saint Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)
Thu 26 Saints Cosmas and Damian
Fri 27 Saint Vincent de Paul
Sat 28 Saint Wenceslaus, Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions
Mon 30 Saint Jerome, Priest, Doctor