Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Upcoming dates/Important Info
Friday September 20th: Last Day of Term 3 - 2.30pm finish & Footy/Sport Dress Up
Homework 👍 Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising All master belts
NO Hat NO play sunsmart policy
Learning in Action
This fortnight, students have been working hard and enjoying writing a biography on their classroom teacher. Students completed the writing process to plan, draft, edit and publish their biography on their teacher. We have continued to look at different biographies such as Steve Irwin, Jim Henson, Roald Dahl and more, to focus on the main idea of each paragraph. Students have also had the exciting opportunity to interview a classmate and write a biography on them focusing again on the writing process.
Next term will be an exciting term as we will again be focussing on narratives and persuasive texts. Students will continue to work independently on their reading and writing goals throughout the term and focus on their handwriting skills.
This fortnight, students have been applying their knowledge and understanding of both division and the inverse operation of multiplication to solve equations. We have had a focus on worded problems, to develop the skill of identifying exactly what the question or problem is asking. Students have culminated their learning with a series of fun maths games, working alongside a partner or in small groups.
In Term Four we will have a focus on fractions and chance and data. Students will again work towards individual maths goals for our fractions unit, followed by revising previous learning from throughout the year.
This fortnight, students finished their Inquiry explorations about Aboriginal history and culture. They completed their final rotation across the grade 3 classes, and finished off their work in preparation for Celebration Morning. It was wonderful to see so many parents and carers coming into school this week to see all of the hard work that students have been putting into their learning across the term.
Next term in Inquiry lessons, students will be learning more about sustainability and different types of energy that can be produced, from both renewable and nonrenewable sources.
We have been looking at ways to strengthen our friendships and help them stay in the ‘green zone’ of the Friend- O- Meter. We have been reflecting on how friends boost our wellbeing. Having FUN with them is like the ‘cherry on top’! Students have also been reflecting that healthy friendships are like healthy foods and identifying those actions and shared experiences that make us feel emotionally healthier and those that don't. For R U OK? Day, students reflected on people they can trust and feel safe with talking to when they don't feel ok. They created hands and recorded the names of the five people they can go to if they need to talk to someone.
Next term they will also learn the WWW strategy to develop a plan for what doesn’t work in their friendships. Kids will be reminded that they deserve healthy, feel-good friendships, and the importance of quality over quantity in relationships.
The Grade 3 Team wishes you all a restful and safe break.
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne