Grade 2 News

Disco photos
The Lysterfield school disco had been in hiatus for some time, so it was wonderful to see so many of our Grade 2 students attend, having an absolute blast!
Learning in action
Last week students listened to a variety of personal narratives and had to retell the events in sequential order by drawing a picture and sharing with a partner. Students were encouraged to annotate their drawings using emotive language. Using a personal narrative from another Grade 2 class, students listened to their narrative, and they had to infer how the person was feeling.
Next term we commence our author study on Oliver Jeffers.
Last week students continued on with a personal narrative they had begun planning and writing. Students edited, revised and published their piece. This week students applied all that they have learnt about writing personal narratives to complete another piece independently. In our sentence grammar lessons this fortnight, students learnt about what an article is and how it impacts a sentence.
Students will learn about what regular and irregular plural nouns are.
We have continued to learn about fractions through various games and activities. Students had to demonstrate their understanding of fractions using shapes and collections. Students looked at 2D and 3D shapes through a variety of activities such as creating a shape monster, creating 3D shapes using matchstick and a shape hunt on a Where's Wally page.
In term 4 we will revisit our whole number unit, where students will be learning about reading, writing, making, counting and decomposing 2-, 3- or 4-digit numbers.
This fortnight students identified the difference between healthy & unhealthy friendships and the impact that body language has on our friendships. Students worked on making a 'Friendship-O-meter' using playdough.
We wish everyone a safe and restful school holidays!
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers