Grade 1 News

Important Reminders
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
Grade 1 Library is on Thursdays. Please ensure your child has their library bag so they can borrow weekly.
Readers are swapped on Mondays- Please make sure your child brings their old reader and 'Take Home' bag every Monday. Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
A few upcoming dates-
Monday 7th October - First day of Term 4
End of Term 3
Congratulations to all Grade 1 students for an amazing effort all throughout this term!
Below are some photos of a couple of our highlights from the past fortnight: our fabulous incursion last week, our Celebration Morning and the school disco!
'Past in the Class' Incursion photos
Celebration Morning photos
School disco photos
Preview for Learning:
We are commencing Term 4 with our Authors Study on Julia Donaldson! Some of her most familiar texts include The Gruffalo, Tiddler and Room on the broom. The intention behind our Authors Study unit is to help students develop their reading, writing, research, and critical thinking skills as well as establish a stronger community of readers. We look forward to exploring and analysing a new book each week.
Students will also practise the implementation of boundary punctuation in their own writing pieces and edit whole class pieces. Students will revise the narrative hill from the beginning of the year and use the hill when retelling a story. This will be essential when students start to write their own across the fortnight.
Next term, we will revisit concepts we have learnt throughout the year. We will start with place value by looking at the position of digits and how that determines its value. After place value, we will be looking at money, identifying and describing Australian coins, and ordering them.
Next term, we will begin our unit on sustainability. Students will be learning how to look after our planet earth by learning about rubbish, natural resources, reduce, reuse recycle and composting. Students will also explore what pollution is and learn about air and water.
Next term we will continue with our two key areas of focus for Wellbeing: RRRR (Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships) and Friendology.
Our RRRR topic will be Gender & Identity.
Through Friendology we will be exploring the concept of Friendship; How Friendship is... Courage, Friendship is... Courage, Friendship is... Community, Friendship is... Trust and Friendship is... Fun!
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Grade 1 award winners.
Grade 1 |
1i - Levi W |
1A - Caitlin M |
1PR - Josh B |
From the Grade 1 teachers,
Caillin Ibbotson, Isabella Albanese, Kayla Pepper & Rachel Ryan