Principal Message
Dear Families,
Routines: While many businesses and organisations are ramping down over the next few weeks, it is still an extremely busy time for us in schools. We are consciously aware that students are tiring and are looking forward to school holidays, but the school structures will remain in place, but the rigour may reduce. Please keep your family routines in place, be conscious of extra weekend activities that make children tired, so we continue to get the best out of each student until the end of the year.
2025 Classes: We will be having 4 classes of each year level except Year 3 in 2025 will condense to 3 classes from 4. On all school tours, I explain to families that we invest in as small a class size as possible and at times a tough decision has to be made as to where we condense a class – usually around Year 3 or 4. Some cohorts have been in 3 classes for a number for years and with increased enrolments and educational needs, are required to be split into 4 classes for 2025. Ideally 4 classes in each year level, however the population of students does not enable this to occur financially.
2025 Teachers to Grades: Please see further into the newsletter for where our amazing teachers will be teaching for 2025. There are a few new staff joining us with Mia Moran and Lucas Chadwick as classroom teachers and Lyn Stirling in the Art Room. We will have a few of our family leave teachers return on part time basis and we look forward to welcoming them all back to the fold. Like many industries, we have an increased number of staff working part time now and this is the new norm in all occupations. I’d also like to thank Julian Teague for his contributions and work across the school, he is taking 12 months leave in 2025. We hope to see him back in 2026. I would like to sincerely wish Andrea Thompson (Geelong College) and Jo Chapman (St John’s Lutheran school) all the best at their new schools in 2025 and thank them for their work across the school and in the Art room. So many amazing pieces of art work created, Art shows and the work with BJ O’Toole was sensational. Thank you.
2025 Room Allocations: We are busily planning and organising logistics for 2025. A map of the school will be published soon with room locations and where various teachers will be located. There will be a few changes in locations from this year so please be aware. Your children will spend some time in their new space next week with their 2025 teacher.
Education Support: We call our wonderful ES team, ‘Learning Mentors’ and we will have a few new LM’s on staff in 2025 too. Courtney Thompson, Johnrey Humber and Cat Gallagher will be with us and we would also like to thank Mark Ward for his work around the school and wish him all the very best in his future endeavours.
Junior School Aths: Thanks for a great day on Friday, Mr Horbury. Our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students had a blast. Who knows, we may have unlocked the next Australian Olympian!
Swimming Sports: On Monday, Years 3-6 swimming sports was held over at Drysdale. Thanks again Mr Horbury. Planning and delivering these events are never easy. A sensational venue at Drysdale Pool.
New Staff: We have several new staff joining us in 2025. Lucas Chadwick (teacher), Mia Moran (teacher), Lyn Stirling (Art teacher), Courtney Thompson (LM) and Johnrey Humber (LM) will join us and continue to add value to the school. Please make them feel welcome.
STEM: The STEM expos were amazing last week. A great display of talent and innovation. Thanks Rick KT and thanks to all those who popped in for a visit.
Year 5 Shark Tank: Thanks to the Year 5 team for creating such a memorable experience and to all the Sharks that judged, challenged and invested in the students and their ideas, thanks for your work!
Spelling Bee: Another highlight recently was the Spelling Bee. Thanks, Ms McKeon for all your work and preparation. Congrats to all the competitors and to the winners!
School Council: We met last night for the final time in 2024. I would like to thank Anita Mullick (parent Rep) and Gen Lee (staff rep) who have been on council for a number of years. We appreciate their work and contributions over their time and wish them all the best for 2025 and beyond. Early 2025, we will put a call out for a new Parent rep, so if you are keen to join, keep your eyes open for that opportunity.
Class Placement requests: This year we have been inundated with requests for consideration for 2025. Some of the requests have been addressed well and truly before they get to my table as staff are aware of so many factors when formulating grades. Apologies if you have not received an individual response to your request for consideration, but please be aware that they have been reviewed by staff, leadership team and then Kristy and myself. The Class Placement Policy is available here.
Staff have been diligently constructing grades and reviewing requests and sometimes we have requests that contradict each other where a family may request one thing, and another may request the opposite. This is challenging for those involved particularly when one party is unaware. It was interesting to note that an overwhelming majority of requests for us to consider were around social aspects of school. I strongly encourage families to discuss the possibilities of your children being with and without their ‘friend’. Friends are still friends before school, during recess, lunch and after school too. Play dates out of school hours will also help previous friendships and develop new friendships too.
School Finishes: Next Friday 20th December is our official last day for 2024, and class is dismissed at 1:30pm from their classrooms. Please make arrangements for this time.
Hope to see you all on Friday at the final assembly in the park! If the weather turns on us, we will relocate to the gym!
Scott McCumber