Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

Welcome to the Senior Unit!
We’ve had a fantastic start to the year, with all classes settling in well and reconnecting.
This term, students are learning about the Australian Government in preparation for our Canberra camp in Week 8. They have already begun analysing and critiquing texts as they research a figure in Australian politics to write a biography. They are also using this learning to create a group presentation for their class on key events in Australia’s democratic history.
In Maths, students have explored the properties of numbers, including prime numbers and factors, and are now applying this knowledge to deepen their understanding of fractions. We’ve enjoyed a variety of hands-on, engaging games and tackled some challenging real-world problems.
Next week, our tennis champions will compete in the Hot Shots Interschool Sports on Monday—we wish them the best of luck! Later this term, our Cricket, Volleyball, and Tee Ball teams will also head to Romsey to participate in Interschool Sports.
We’re also looking forward to seeing many of you next week at Meet-the-Teacher afternoon!
Finally, we kindly ask that each student brings in a pair of headphones, preferably with a microphone function. This is especially important for Year 5 students, as they are required for NAPLAN.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Katie Cashen (56C), Brenda Elliot (56E), Ann Ireland (56I)