From the Principal
Diana Ellis
From the Principal
Diana Ellis
School Saving Bonus
Please read the important information regarding School Saving Bonus (SSB) in the 'From the Office' section of this newsletter.
Extreme weather and school closures
Recently we have experienced some extreme weather conditions and quite often parents ring me asking if I am closing the school. This is certainly a valid question considering we live and work in a high risk area. Whilst I am armed with many responsibilities and powers as a Principal, I have no power to close the school. This is a decision made by the Department of Education. Although our school is categorised as a Bush Fire Risk school, the Department of Education will only close us if the conditions are predicted to be catastrophic. As I have recommended in my previous communications, we urge parents to make a decision that is best for you and your family when we are open on days of extreme weather conditions.
This week I would like to start our newsletter with a shout out of appreciation to our parents. This shout out is to say thank you for respectfully following our request to leave the grounds each day by the time the bell has gone. This helps our children to settle in more quickly and immediately focus on their learning and in the event of an emergency it means we have less people on-site to manage.
Classroom opening times
Just a gentle reminder that classrooms do not open until 8.45. We have had a number of students and parents going into classrooms prior to this. Until 8.45 each morning teachers are in their rooms preparing for the planned lessons.
Parent Teacher Meet and Greet interviews
Next week we are holding our Parent Teacher Meet and Greet interviews. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and share information about your child that will help your teacher further know and understand your child. This might be information pertaining to medical conditions, specialist appointments, diagnosis of a condition, attending a tutor or any family issues such as court orders etc. We thank you for taking the time to engage with your child’s teacher and form positive partnerships that underpin your child’s best opportunities for success.
Lost property
Although we are only a few weeks into the new year, our lost property pile is growing on a daily basis. Please ensure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled as this is the only possible way that they might get back to the owner.
Every Wednesday afternoon at 2.50pm we have our whole school assembly which takes place in our school hall. We encourage parents to attend as assemblies are a great forum to celebrate achievements with our school values awards and our Mumumburra awards. It is also wonderful to see our student leaders presenting and building their capacity as leaders and it is also an opportunity to inform everyone about events students have participated in or upcoming events.
First Aid
Every year our staff are required to update their first aid qualifications. After school this week, all of our staff have updated their first aid skills. Over a two-night period we covered many, many topics including CPR, anaphylaxis, diabetes, head injuries, stings and bites, breaks, sprains and strains, and much more.
When children are treated for first aid at school, it is recorded on COMPASS and parents are informed.
The test window for NAPLAN this year is from March 12 until March 24. Our year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in NAPLAN. If you have any concerns about your child participating in the testing, please call to speak to the Principal or Assistant Principal.
Diana Ellis