Parents and Friends Association

Year level contact lists and WhatsApp groups - get involved!
Just before the school year started, you would have received a message via Compass from your parent reps for the year, inviting you to join your year level contact lists and/or WhatsApp groups. We've had a great response so far; thanks to everyone who has already signed up. If you missed it and would still like to join, it's not too late. Links have been sent out again via Compass.
The contact lists and WhatsApp groups are intended to:
Provide a social connection for families in the year level
Provide a place for you to ask questions about school logistics
Remind you to read Compass and the school newsletter for communications from the school!
Support teachers, the PFA and the school by sourcing parent volunteers for events/activities.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Anna, the year level rep liaison, on 0407 830 820.
Spring bulbs are back
The hugely popular Tesselaar spring bulb fundraiser is back for another year. Jump onto the website using the special link, make your purchase, and 40% of the money will go to the school - plus, your garden will look amazing! Orders close Friday 4 April.
Place your order here:
WPS Parents and Friends Association (PFA) Annual General Meeting
Calling all families - we would love to welcome you to our Parents and Friends committee. We are a friendly bunch of parents who meet monthly to arrange school fundraising activities and social events and would love you to join us.
Our next meeting is our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 4th March at 7.30pm (in the staffroom/kitchen area near the school office) where all current elected positions will be declared vacant. Elected positions include;
Vice President
Year Level Rep Liaison
Communications Liaison*
* Whilst all positions are declared vacant, we do urgently need a volunteer for the Communication Liaison role
Nominations for the above positions can be emailed to the PFA Secretary Tanya prior to the AGM via -
** Note that you don’t need to be elected to participate in the PFA, just to hold one of the Office bearer positions. Anyone is welcome to join the committee.
Information on the office bearer roles can be found via the link to the Compass notification. If you would like further information or would like to chat and find out more about the PFA please email The President and/or Secretary at
Hope to see you at the AGM!
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - Sunday 16th March, Sunbury
The PFA is excited to coordinate a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle in March! We think this will be a wonderful fundraiser for the school.
We are looking for some volunteers to assist on the day, if you are interested please use the link below to sign up.
If you have children who would like to assist, Bunnings allow people between the age of 13 & 17 to assist with handling money, taking orders and serving food, just no cooking!
If you have any questions please contact Tanya, PFA Secretary on 0417 214 783.
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School Parents and Friends' Community
(You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school. Membership requests with unanswered questions will be rejected)
Thank you,