Uniform Shop & Lost Property

Donations of outgrown/no longer needed uniforms

Donate your kids' outgrown and unneeded uniform. Just drop your clean, washed, good condition items (no stains, rips or broken zips please!) to the office anytime. When it comes to polo shirts, jackets and jumpers, ONLY items with school logos please.


Uniform shop

The school uniform shop is opposite the office and is open on Thursdays 3.15-3.45pm for in-person sales of new and secondhand uniform. New uniform items can also be ordered via QKR and will be sent home with your child. 

If you would like to use your School Saving Bonus money, please complete a SSB Uniform Order and ensure you have allocated the funds in the SSB portal to School Activities. Instructions on how to do this are in the 'From the Office' section of this newsletter

  • Please name your child's uniform with their full name! 

  • Please note that strictly NO hoodies or denim jeans are to be worn at school. These are not part of the WPS School Uniform Policy.

Lost property

Named lost property will be returned to your child's classroom. Unnamed lost property is on the racks outside the uniform shop for collection. Please check through it and collect your child's items - anything left at the end of term will be resold, donated, recycled or binned.


Can you help?

I'd love another parent to help out with the uniform shop and lost property this year - it only takes about half an hour a week. Please get in touch on 0407 830 820 if you would like to put your hand up, or have questions.

Uniform Shop parent volunteer
