
Canteen Roster - February
  13Kimberly14Jackie F & Rebecca S
192 helpers needed201 helper needed21Rebecca S & Jen E
26Eva & 1 helper needed27Bec L28Jackie F & Anna C
Canteen Roster - March
52 helpers needed61 helper needed7John & 1 helper needed
12Naomi & 1 helper needed13Judith14Libby M & 1 helper needed
192 helpers needed201 helper needed21Jane P & 1 helper needed
26"Easter Lunch Packs"271 helper needed28Damien P & 1 helper needed

Thank you to those carers who have already put their names on the roster.  I appreciate it, and the kids appreciate it.  I especially look forward to having new prep parents in the canteen as it is such a great way for you to meet other families.


Please contact me on 0411 558 557 should you be free to help this term.

Only 9.15 to 12.45 with a free ice treat for your children.


Easter Lunch Packs available March 26th… Info to follow


Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi