Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly  - 05.02.2025

1/2AVioletFor an excellent start to the school year and displaying respectful listening in the classroom. You’re a Star!
1/2EWillowFor settling into school life at Woodend Primary with confidence and always being ready to learn. Well done Willow!
1/2RMaxFor settling into school beautifully and being engaged in the lessons. You rock!
3MCPhilippaFor the wonderful enthusiasm, she has shown towards her learning and being so kind to others.
3NSJudeFor being an outstanding role model for his peers.
4ADEverFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be Responsible’ by completing your jobs at Carlsruhe. You’re a STAR Ever!
4LSZaineFor his fantastic contributions during whole class learning, explaining his thinking and reasoning in Numeracy. Keep it up Zaine!
4SMPoppyFor demonstrating our school value 'Be Respectful' by treating her peers and teachers with a kind and considerate manner. Poppy, you are a valued member of our class.
5/6CKayleeFor always coming to school with a positive attitude and always helping others.
5/6ETrentFor demonstrating our school value “Be Responsible” by helping his classmates. Great job Trent!
5/6IChaseFor demonstrating responsible learning by exploring and explaining patterns he found for factors of 120.

Class of the Week - 05.02.2025

French4LS - For their enthusiasm for learning to play the French Werewolf game.

Assembly - 12.02.2025

PLCTiggyFor your excellent effort recreating ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Well done Tiggy!
1/2AHenryFor being a learner superstar, working hard and displaying all school values in the classroom. You’re awesome, Henry!
1/2ELillyFor demonstrating our school value “Be a Learner” and persisting with a tricky maths task. Keep it up, Lilly!
1/2RVictoriaFor settling in really well to Woodend Primary School. You’re a superstar!
1/2RBillyFor settling in really well to Woodend Primary School. You’re a superstar!
1/2SAidanFor entering into the 1/2 S classroom confidently and sitting quietly on the floor ready to learn - showing the “Be a Learner’ school value. A terrific start to Year 1 year Aidan.
3MCBriarFor displaying outstanding reasoning and problem-solving during Maths. Great explaining!
3NSLeilaFor confidently reading her amazing writing to the class
3SSAnnabelleFor settling really well into 3SS and your new school.
3SSAvaFor settling really well into 3SS and your new school.
4ADHattieFor your fantastic descriptive summary of the characters and setting when reading Wilam! You ROCK Hattie. 
4LSZoeFor your fantastic attitude during our Maths learning, by identifying and describing the rule in a number pattern. Awesome Zoe!
4SMAriFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be a Learner’ by being well prepared for class work and showing a keen attitude towards learning in general. An outstanding effort, Ari. 
5/6EPipFor settling into Woodend Primary school. You are always ready to learn. Great work! 
5/6EWilliemFor settling into Woodend Primary school. You are always ready to learn. Great work! 
5/6IOctaviaFor showing a mature approach to her learning by choosing effective partners for classroom tasks.

Artists of the Week - 12.02.2025


Year 4 students  used fluoro papers to cut out heart shapes in various sizes.  They then made an interesting arrangement of hearts on a black background.  The collages look very vibrant.  Great work year 4.

Our outstanding artists this week are: Milla, Dawn, Oscar, Lexi, Jake, Annabelle, Billie, Evie, Dante.

Class of the Week - 12.02.2025

French3NS - For a positive and enthusiastic start to the Year 3 French learning.