Wellbeing Supports Update

Some examples of the fun from our 15 activities we are offering are:
- Free RSA Training & Accreditation
- Song writing, Performance & Recording Workshop
- Ice Skating
- Pines Pool
Exclusive Cinema Session with Mornington Youth Services—just for young people!
Year 7s Day A fun-filled day specially for young people starting high school in 2025—make friends, connect with your community, and start your journey with confidence!
Youth Services Annual OPEN DAY with other local youth services hosting plenty of activities, great opportunity to have a chat or dunk a worker and grab a snow cone
It’s easy to say these will book out fast so please share these opportunities with young people so they can secure a spot.
For bookings please click HERE
For any questions please call us on 97681366 or email youthcentral@frankston.vic.gov.au
City of Kingston Summer Safety Campaign
The Summer Safety Campaign is an annual initiative by the City of Kingston to ensure residents and visitors have access to important safety information during the summer.
Summer is here and we want to make sure our community members are staying safe (and cool!).
Check out the resources available to help keep you, your family, friends and neighbours safe, informed and aware during the warm weather.
Visit kingston.vic.gov.au/summer-safety for more information.
Sarah Letho
Director of Student Services