Level 4

4AP has been reflecting on our year and have chosen some highlights. We hope you enjoy reading all about them!
My favourite memory of Level Four was panning for gold at Sovereign Hill. -Lelio
My favourite part of Level Four was my teacher. - Olive
I loved having my turn of being couch boss in 4AP. - Charlotte
I learned so much from the Matter of Matter incursion. - Alfred
My biggest achievement is making heaps of new friends in 2024. - Adele
My favourite part of this year was going to the Melbourne Zoo on an excursion. - Austin
The most exciting part of Level Four was getting my pen license. - Georgia
I liked going to the zoo to see the gorilla. - Ray
The best memory was going to camp where it felt like we got to go back in time. - Yaz
A good memory was when we put up the Christmas tree. - James
My favourite part of Level Four was doing swimming at Aquanation for a week. - Melody
I liked when we saw the 3D movie at camp. - Max
My favourite part was when we made some Christmas Selfie decorations for our tree. - Tom
I liked it when we did kickball in Level Four sport. - Kurtis
My favourite part was trying to beat 4BA at Christmas decorating (just quietly, we won!). - Lincoln
My favourite part of Level Four was swimming with my friends. - Liam
My favourite part was having the best teacher at HEPS (so far). - Burhan
My favourite part of Level Four was EVERYTHING! - Alex