Level 2

2SK's 2024 Reflection
2SK has had an AMAZING 2024! We've had so much fun, and while we're almost off to Grade 3, we still have a bit more to share!
We’re excited to share all the fun we've had, and we can’t wait to spread even more joy!
In Inquiry we have learnt about mixtures. They can be edible and they can be explosions! - Lara
In Term 3, we did a country project where we researched about a country with a teammate! - Amelia
In Level 2 we have written lots of marvellous narratives. The stories we created were our own ideas which were AMAZING! - Charlie
Big Day In was so fantastic because we got to decorate cookies and they were so delicious! - Liam
At production, we all had a great time at the Besen Centre, where we performed our songs. Our parents were so amazed to see us! - Alyssa
Experiments are when you make something with different ingredients such as oil, vinegar, food colouring, bicarb soda, water and cornflour. - Insiya
In Maths, we have loved doing fractions because we got some playdough and we cut it into parts of a whole. - Suya
We had lots of fun going to Swimming because we got to wear our bathers and learn how to swim in the water. - Nia
Big Day In was so fun! The sausages for lunch were delicious! - Ethan
In Maths, we multiplied and divided numbers up to 3 digits! - Aiden
In Writing, we chose a picture of an object, person and setting to plan a narrative. We wrote an amazing good copy and turned them into books. - Jasmine
On Tuesday the 19th of November we turned into Grade 3's for the morning! We did fun grade 3 activities! - Nicki
In Maths, we have explored time, anti-clockwise and clockwise. - Micah
We enjoyed getting 3 pictures and turning these into a whole story with a front cover, a back cover, a title AND a blurb. - Elia
We liked going on the excursion to the Melbourne Museum where we saw real bones of dinosaurs. We also watched an IMAX movie where dinosaurs came to life. - Nihaal
When we did our maps in Maths we got to make up a name, add a key, add a compass and make it our OWN mystery island! - Madilyn
When we did Big Day In because I loved making cookies! We got to eat them after and they were delicious! - Jordyn
Athletics Day was fun because we got to do lots of fun sports. My favourite was the high jump! - Sebastian
My favourite part of 2024 was going to the Melbourne Museum and seeing IMAX. The IMAX was really realistic and cool! - Azeeza
I really liked the Melbourne Museum because I got to see basically everything. I loved the IMAX! - Theodore
My favourite part of 2024 was Athletics Day because the run was fun and I came second place! - Cohen
2JE's 2024 Reflection
I’ve enjoyed this year because my teacher is Mr. Exton, and he likes maths, like me. Maths is my favourite subject because there is always something you don’t know. I think I’ve improved in everything compared to the start of the year: reading, writing, maths, and spelling.
I don’t really know what I enjoyed the most this year, but a few things come to mind, like piano and Gifted Insights, and playing games at recess and lunch sometimes. I love doing maths, and I’m not really that excited about writing, but I’ve improved my reading, and sometimes I’ve improved in PE. I also like spelling.
I have enjoyed maths this year. I’ve improved my counting by threes, fours, fives, and tens. My reading has really, really improved. I do reading and reading groups, and this helps me to focus. I can read harder books. The Numerule helps me with my maths when I am counting.
This year, I have liked being in Mr. Exton’s classroom. He gave me a Numerule that he made, and it helps me to add, subtract, and count because I don’t have 30 fingers! Reading in groups helped me to focus on my reading. I have enjoyed this year.
I have enjoyed making our islands this year because it taught me what a scale is, and it was really fun discussing what to put on the island with my friends when I went on holiday. I also enjoyed learning about writing, particularly about my island. It is called BFF Island, and I persuade people to come to the island with my writing. I have learned about researching when we were making our country papers.
I have enjoyed doing "slow right" because it makes me think deeply about what I am writing. I am using it in my writing. I must have improved in my handwriting because when I look at my Foundation and Level One writing books, my handwriting was really poor back then. I have improved a lot in all sorts of areas.
I’ve enjoyed reading, and I’ve had lots of improvement in this area. I have also improved in maths this year, especially skip counting in 6s and 11s. I can also do part of my 7 times tables. I have improved in spelling, and I love free writing and persuasive writing. I’ve used lots of exaggeration in my persuasive writing. I’ve improved my spelling and reading, which helps me write more clearly. We read the same book four times a week, and this helps me to understand it better.
I have enjoyed reading the most because we can improve our reading by trying harder books. Also, I have improved my sentences by reading. I love everything in school, but reading is my favourite. I also improved in maths because, at the start of the year, I couldn’t do division, but now I can! I can do my 7 times tables.
I enjoyed production this year, Late-day, Book Week, and the day I came to HEPS. I like doing maths in class, spelling, writing, and also inquiry. I liked making my poster about Australia and my Butterfly Island. I have learned the school values of respect, resilience, teamwork, and growth. I think this year has been the best year at HEPS!
I learned maths, reading, science, spelling, and writing this year. Mr. Exton made me improve in all of them. I am so lucky I got to be in his class. I enjoyed being in Mr. Exton’s class and making new friends. I love being at HEPS! Mr. Exton is so fun, and he is so nice and has taught me so much. I love being in Grade 2.
**Joseph B:**
I think I improved the most in maths, PE, spelling, music, STEAM, sustainability, and PE. In PE, I improved my gymnastics and learned to believe in myself. In maths, I improved my division. In sustainability, I learned to improve sustainability through learning about habitats. In spelling, I’ve learned about graphophonics. I learned to use paragraphs and talking marks in my writing. In music, I improved my singing and using the recorder.
The thing I have enjoyed the most this year is making friends and having stronger relationships. It is fun finding the elf every morning in December, and it is a privilege to have Mr. Exton as my teacher. He has helped me improve my spelling and maths. I feel like I am a stronger person now. I’ve learned that, whatever direction you go in life, you will always be a smart person if you just try your best.
I mostly like PE at school because I love sports. I also love playing class games with Mr. Exton. I like playing soccer with my friends and Geometry Dash on the computers and iPads. I also like playing Robust Clicker on the iPads and computer.
I think that I have improved in my maths and spelling, especially with more complicated words and sounds, and difficult number patterns. I love the experience of Grade 2, with joy and friends along the way. I also love the history, science, and chemistry that we have done in class throughout the year. I have enjoyed it so much.
I have enjoyed learning about countries and making posters about them. We learned about different people from different countries, and that helped us improve our writing. I have also improved my reading, particularly reading new authors. I have learned about auxiliary verbs and adding "wow" words to my writing to make my stories more exciting. I love being in 2 JE.
I have enjoyed learning mathematics and using my Numerule. I have learned to read and have gone from level D all the way up to level K in reading. I enjoyed maths games as well.
I have learnt many things and improved as normal, but I think I have improved the most at Maths. For example; at first I didn't know how to do the 6 times tables, I only knew up to 6, 12, and that's it. Now I know it really well...up to 90! I really enjoy doing the arts, because personally I love drawing and listening to music a lot, so yeah.