Highlights of the Week

2025 Transition Sessions
On Wednesday we had the final transition session with our 2025 grad 1-6 classes. It was wonderful to see everyone again. We are looking forward to starting the year together in 2025.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal & Christmas Themed Free Dress Day
It was great to see so many children dressed in their Christmas gear today! Everyone looked very festive....
Thank you to all the families who so generously donated to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. We collected plenty of food which will go towards making some lovely hampers for those in need.
Staff / Grade 6 Student Match
On Monday we held the annual Grade 6 vs Staff /Alumni Match. It was a fun and competitive series of games consisting of a Bottle Flip Competition, Quoits, Tic-tac-toe, Basketball and Dodgeball. The competition was close! The students managed to win the bottle flip competition but the staff won the day with the rest of the games. Well done to all the staff, students and alumni who competed.
Awards Assembly
On Wednesday we had the final awards assembly for 2024. It was great to see so many students recognised for all of their amazing achievements and successes in and out of the classroom. Well done to all of the award winners!
Grade 6 Graduation Party
The grade 6 children will be celebrating the end of primary school with a party in the Multi Purpose Hall this evening. All the grade 6 parents have spent weeks diligently working and planning for this special event. We wish our grade 6 children the very best of luck as they finish their last days of primary school and we hope that they enjoy their special celebratory night tonight!