PaFM (Parents & Friends of Macleod)

Parents and Friends of Macleod College
With the kickoff of another year, the Macleod Parents and Friends Committee (PaFM) is dedicated to enhancing the student experience and raising funds to support our school's needs.
In the past two years, we've run two successful bake sales and many sausage sizzles. Families had the opportunity to have some beautiful portraits taken by Vision Photography, and we got to fill our freezers with some pasta delights from Nick’s Gnocchi and Pasta.
This year, the Committee again plans to run our always popular Easter Raffle, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls and Raffles, along with other events and fundraisers throughout the year.
I would like to say a big thanks to those who have supported our efforts over the years either by donations of goods, giving up their time or by making a purchase on the day of an event.
The Committee is also continuing to communicate with the local State Member of Parliament to commit to further funding so that our school can complete the further planned upgrades.
We invite all parents, caregivers, and friends to join us. Whether you can volunteer your time, skills, or resources, or simply want to stay informed, there are many ways to contribute.
We would appreciate you taking the time to complete a survey to share your ideas and preferences for future events/fundraisers, and so we can hear how you would like to be kept informed of our activities. Complete the survey here.
Connect with us on the Macleod College Parents and Friends Facebook Group, or email us at Your input and support are invaluable as we strive to make this school year memorable and enriching for all.
Thank you for your continued support, and here's to another exciting year at Macleod College!