
Having spent 2023 as a member of the Dunlop House Team it has been an absolute joy for me to return to Melba House as the House Leader in 2024. And, what a start it has been!
We have welcomed two classes of Year 7 students in addition to several new students in Years 8-11 in 2024. It is with great pride that we have seen our new students settle in and become important members of the Blackburn High School community.
Melba House has also welcomed 4 new staff members to our ranks.
- Ms Barkley (English & M12 Mentor Teacher)
- Mr Danny (English & M6 Mentor Teacher)
- Ms Ta (English & M7 Mentor Teacher)
- Ms Yeum (English & M14 Mentor Teacher)
And we have welcomed back:
Ms Abeynaike (English Teacher)
Ms Simpson (Classroom Music Teacher)
I would like to acknowledge the leadership of Mr Ferres, the Melba House Leader from 2020 – 2023. He has now moved into the role of Senior School Leader, and to Dunlop House, where he will continue to support students at Blackburn High School.
The Melba House Staff look forward to working with the students throughout the year and to helping them achieve their best.
House Events
The enthusiasm of the Melba students and their level of participation in both the House Swimming Carnival and the House Performing Arts Festival was impressive.
The House Swimming Carnival, held on Thursday 8th February, was an excellent opportunity for students to show their pride for Melba House. Seeing the sea of students dressed in blue as they walked to the buses exemplified their attitude throughout the day. It was very exciting that this year Melba finished the carnival in second place.
Congratulations to all students who participated in events throughout the day, or who supported their friends.
We would like to recognise the achievements of the following students who were awarded age level champions:
Eric O (Boys 13 Years)
Kaden C (Boys 14 Years)
Hamish D (Boys 16 Years)
Tim L (Boys 17 Years)
Angus B (Big Splash Champion – Junior Boys)
The competition among the houses in the annual House Performing Arts Festival was intense this year. The students of Melba House presented their interpretation of the cult classic, ‘Grease’ at the festival.
Led by Jack S, Cyanne F, Harry M, Riddhi M, Beren C, Felix R-H, and Teagan O. The Melba students demonstrated the school values of Citizenship, Respect and the Pursuit of Excellence throughout their preparations and rehearsals.
It was fantastic to see so many students getting involved and creating bonds with students from other year levels and Mentor Groups.
Despite the excellent effort and dedication of the student leaders and the students who performed, created sets, played in the house band, edited the script, worked on costumes, did hair and makeup and participated in the backstage crew – we were not able to replicate our result from 2023. We congratulate Dunlop for their win.
Melba House Student Leadership Team
Congratulations to the following students who will form the Melba House Student Leadership team for 2024. These students will work with the House Captain, Jack S, and the House Leadership Team to improve the experiences of all students in Melba over the course of the year.
Emily B and Grace H (M1), Sharon Y and Piper K (M2), Zayde P (M3), Matias T (M4), Ella H (M5), Lavi T (M6), Reva J and Helena O (M7), Molly B and Tiahn E (M8), Siya K (M9), Ruby B (M10), Vansh P (M11), Adrian E and Joseph K (M12), Cyanne F (M13) and Emily O (M14).
In addition, Rohan S (7MA) and Ruby I (7MB) will represent our Year 7 students in the Student Leadership Team.
Have a safe and relaxing break over the school holidays. We look forward to seeing students return to school on Monday 15th April eager to participate in all that Term 2 has to offer.
Ms Dwyer - Melba House Leader