Lindy Burke

Promoting safety around our School


As our students’ safety is paramount, it is vital that we all prioritise the traffic safety, both at the beginning and the end of the day around our school premises.


Please ensure you are:


1.Using the School Crossings: 

Our designated school crossings are in place to provide a safe passage for all students and pedestrians. It is crucial for everyone to use these crossings correctly and responsibly. Students/families should only cross the roads (Sutton & Eyre Streets) via the school crossings. Please do not cross over at the Sutton Street and Eyre Street corner, this is unsafe and is often a blind spot for buses. Staff will be monitoring this area in the coming weeks.


2. Crossing the streets safely:

Teaching children proper pedestrian safety is essential for their wellbeing. Parents/Guardians, please take the time to educate your child/ren on safe pedestrian practice, including looking both ways before crossing the street, using the pedestrian crossings wherever possible, and making eye contact with drivers before stepping onto the road. Remember as adults, we are the role models and it is important that we follow these guidelines as well as ‘little eyes’ are always watching.


3. Watching your speed near schools:

Speeding vehicles pose a significant threat to the safety of our students and pedestrians. We urge all drivers to adhere to the posted speed limits, especially in the school zones. Please always be mindful of your speed and drive cautiously, especially during peak drop off and pick up times.


4. No U-Turns:

Just a reminder U-Turns are not permitted near a school crossing. Lately there have been a number of drivers performing U-Turns right out the front of the school. This is very dangerous and is not OK. Police have been notified and will be performing more regular patrols.


By working together as a community and prioritising safety, we can create a secure environment for all. 

So stay safe everyone – and remember “Road Safety Matters!”