Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Parents, Grandparents & Friends,


We have now passed the halfway point of the term. It is hard to fathom just how quickly time is progressing. 


The absolute highlight of this week is our Athletics Day. On Tuesday night, our staff met to discuss our protocols for safely managing our students during the day; especially given that there was extreme heat forecast for the afternoon. We were most fortunate that the weather on the day stayed true to the forecast. We were able to get through almost all the events by lunchtime, albeit with reduced tries at each event. 


At lunchtime, the temperature remained a relatively comfortable 29 degrees, so we made the decision to run the relay event for the students, but still remove the 800 metre race. The day culminated in a lot of excitement and cheering from our students as our House Teams battled it out on the track. 


The best part of the day? The students. Many staff noted that, despite the competitive nature of the event, our kind-hearted kids still took the time to support and congratulate each other. The end of races saw high fives and pats on the back, regardless of House colours; a wonderful moment, indeed. 


After returning to school, the weather certainly heated up quickly. Our thoughts and prayers are with the many fellow Victorians who are continually facing uncertainty with the recent bushfires. Our former Assistant Principal, Tameeka, has been managing her community in Beaufort, through school closures and uncertainty. Those of you who remember Tameeka will know that she will be managing the situation with expert care. 


Finally, I do hope you have a fantastic weekend. The cool change was a welcome one. 




Ryan 😊