from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

Thank you for the continued support you show with the meet and greets. The connection between home and school is an important aspect to support all children and their education. Having a united front enables and guides students to value their education and challenge themselves further knowing they have the support of their parents and teachers. 


Our students in the school have started to hit their stride as we enter into Week 5. Most students are progressing into their routines and following playground and classroom rules alike.  One observation that has been seen among students is their fatigue and tired state of the afternoon.  Students must have a sound night's sleep and the support of healthy nutrition will provide them with enough energy to focus throughout the day. 


A few weeks ago we had a presenter from Safe on Social, she explained the importance of switching off devices an hour before bed as the blue light can impact the melatonin that is naturally produced so we can sleep as well as having a routine - like school, so children can follow the rules and expectations. 

From the classrooms

Whilewalking through the classrooms this week it is noticeable how focused and on-task students are in the classroom.  After asking several students "What makes your learning so engaging?", they just smiled and pointed to their teachers. 


Our teachers at Holy Trinity use a variety of skills and pedagogy (ways of teaching), which enables students to reach for success and grow. Some of these ways are:

  • Hands-on activities - Life skills
  • Open questioning - Problem-solving
  • Guided and supported activities - support social skills and teamwork
  • Independent and self-directed learning - targetted learning/building upon interest. 

When learning is valued children/a child aims for the stars. 

NAPLAN on the Horizon

Naplan is fast approaching and will be administered through Weeks 7,8 and 9 (Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March). 

These tests are for students in Years 3,5,7 and 9 regardless of age. They are broken into 4 areas:

  • Writing
  • Reading Comprehension 
  • Language conventions 
  • Numeracy

Over the coming weeks leading to the sitting of NAPLAN, students will be supported in the manner of how to navigate questions and use the online software. This is to support them in using the skills and tools to adhere to the variety of questions during this type of test. 

Congratulations to the following Award Winners this week

KDEvie Gallagher, Charlton King, Ned Morris
KSLilly Wright, Sophia Mills, Kobe Dunlop
1MJordan Younger, Zahlia Ticehurst, Jackson Roberts
1ETully Adams, Tannah Pizzardi, Blake Schwark
2MLeo Hollingworth, Baxter O'Brien, Elsie McCosker, Jackson Coleman
2GMarshall Higgins, Zahara Kimmince, 
3WHarlow Lea, Cohen James
3MHenry Schiller, Alice Hoscher
4LDHenry Chester, Madeline Mitrega, Miette Sargeant, Athena McBean
4WLZachary Andrews, Ayda Murphy
5BDigby Brazier, Ebony Hiscock
5FMilla Lynch, Darcie-Anne Emery, Laci-Ann David
6TEleana Lopez, Brooklyn Simpson
6DAsha Randall, Eva Jinesh
6MZalie Borrowdale, Sophia Clarke


K-6 Teachers and emails

KD -  Robyn Ditchfield 

KS - Trish Dal Santo 

1E - Erin Muggleton 

1M - Tania Moore

2M - Carmel McCosker

2G - Aimee Gaias

3W -  Laurelle Wales   

3M - Elissa Murphy 

4LD - Madeline Devlin / Casey Lea 

4WL - Amanda White/ Catherine Lane 

5F - Courtney Fleming 

5B - Mr Peter Baz

6D - Jaide Daniels 

6M - Kate McCosker 

6T Mrs Terri-Lea Selig