Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 5!

On Saturday I spent some time at the cattle section of the Inverell Show with Mr and Mrs Townsend and the Ag Team. It was a real joy to see the students engaged, happy and proud of their school and team. The Ag Team is living our school motto “live life to the full” in action. Thanks to our staff for the the tireless work they put into the students and cattle. 


Last week I spent 3 days in Armidale at Principal's meetings. I completed a Mental Health First Aid course which was very worthwhile along with learning more about leadership. Principals also met with the Armidale Catholic Schools Board which oversees the running of our schools. It was exciting to be working towards our Diocesan vision and mission to create literate and numerate students for a hope-filled future.

Congratulations to...

Year 2 for their beautiful liturgy on Friday at Sacred Heart Church.


To the HTS Ag Team for their positive behaviour and great results at the Inverell Show

Best Wishes to...

The Holy Trinity Ag Team will be competing at the Armidale  Show this weekend. 


Our swim team going to the Diocesan Swimming Carnival on Friday 


Year 7 for their Mass at Sacred Heart Church this Friday at the new time of 9:30 am. 

Coming Up:

Easter Fair

The Fair is a great social event and fundraiser for our school. Many hands make light work and it is a chance for you be be involved in our school. We need lots of help to make it happen. Please consider coming along and helping. The next planning meeting is on this afternoon at 5:30 pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome.



Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March

NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. Please avoid commitments during school time during these dates.


Centacare Counselling for Students

We now have a counsellor on-site for 9 days in the fortnight. If you feel your child would benefit from seeing a counsellor to help with anxiety, worries, relationship issues, family breakdown, or changes in their lives please contact the school. There is a referral form that needs to be completed by parents and sent to me for signing and sending to Centacare. The counsellor makes contact with the family to discuss concerns before sessions begin.


Covid 19 

We have had reports of Covid 19 in our school. Please monitor for symptoms and keep students home until symptoms have ceased.


Parking around the school

Please be mindful of not parking in our neighbours' driveways. We have had communication from some of our neighbours that their driveways are being blocked at the end of school and they cannot access their homes. Please be courteous.



Please remember to explain your child's absence from school by clicking the link in the SMS sent on the day of absence, phoning the school or sending in a note on the student's return. Rolls are marked at 9 am if your child is late they must report to the Front Office to sign in.


School Fees

Term 1 Fees have now been emailed. Please contact the school if you did not receive your invoice. It might be worthwhile checking your junk folder. Please consider changing your direct debit to the Bpay facility. The fees have increased slightly this year. You may need to increase your regular payments to cover the year.


Uniform Update

Alinta has currently a low stock of jackets and fleeces.  The Uniform Shop will notify us when the new stock arrives.


Looking forward to seeing families at our Easter Fair meeting this afternoon. Come and be involved!

Also at our Year 7 BBQ on Thursday evening.

Have a good week!
