Library news
The library has been bursting at the seams every lunchtime since the beginning of term. It's great to see so many people using the space for socialising, playing cards and chess and studying. We've got some new Year 7 regulars using the space at lunchtime and recess.
Year 7 Reading Challenge
We are starting the year with a Reading Challenge for the Year 7s. It is voluntary, but we strongly encourage your child to take part. Over the course of Term 1 we are asking students to choose from the following challenges:
1. Read 6 novels
2. Read four novels from four different genres
3. Read 600,000 words
Those that complete the challenge will be invited to a pizza lunch with Acting Principal, Ms. Higgins, and earn points towards their class challenge and House.
I have spoken to all of the Yr 7 classes about why we are promoting a regular reading habit. The benefits of reading for pleasure are numerous, including enhancing their writing skills, imagination, general knowledge, empathy and attention span. We would love your support in encouraging them to put aside time to read at school and at home.
Ms. Boyd
Teacher Librarian