Teaching and Learning

Learning Even Occurs During Breaktimes
What's more exciting than making volcanoes in a sandpit? If you ask the kids, the answer is nothing. This activity was entirely student led so it great to see them organise all of the materials and problem solve to make their volcanoes erupt.
On Thursday we have 4 tiny yet scaly visitors come and say hi. These incredible Central Bearded Dragons had made their way up to the shade around the building to get a break from the blistering sun. Our kids displayed an enormous amount of respect for these incredible reptiles and they have now returned home. Fingers crossed we come across them in the future.
Swimming & Water Safety Program
A reminder that this program continues until the end of Term One. Our final session will be held on Wednesday March 27th instead of the Thursday, due to the end of Term One early finish on the Thursday. (All other sessions remain on Thursday afternoon as normal). A reminder that you are most welcome to come along and watch sessions, which begin at 2.10pm.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
We have been busy discovering number-lines as part of our Mathematics learning. We have used number-lines to skip count, perform addition and subtraction problems and for recognising numbers. We have even discovered that numbers go below zero and mirror positive numbers. Below are photos of the students playing an addition and subtraction game using their self-made numberlines.
No need to be scared! These skeletons are not real. We have been learning aobut the human body and last week we learned all about the skeletal system. We danced to the song Dry Bones and made some models of our skeletons using different shaped pasta.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
We're back at it in the Integrated Studies sessions, this time learning all about the circulatory system. After building 3 dimensional hearts, the kids went to work, adding all of the arteries, veins and capillaries to our wall model. We even added a pair of lungs (YES LUNGS) to the model as they are an essential to the circulatory systems reason for existing. After we completed our study of blood, we set to learning about breathing and respiration. You should have seen some bottles come home replicating the lungs in our bodies inhaling and exhaling air as a result of our diaphragms moving.
In maths we have been practicing mental methods of addition and subtraction. Often we use different games to allow the students to hone in their skills whilst keeping fully engaged in the task. What talented mathematicians they are all becoming.
Movers and Stayers is a great chance for the students to practice their reading fluency by reading to other students. It also gives the kids the chance to enjoy different texts being read to them by other students.
News from Ms Roediger
Hello! Thank you all so much for the VERY warm and kind welcome that I have received. I am absolutely thrilled to be back at Raywood Primary School. I have the pleasure of teaching Wellbeing and Respectful Relationships and over the past few weeks we have been discovering all the individual elements that make us the wonderful and unique humas that we are! Check out our gorgeous self-portraits and have a peek into our brains to see what makes us who we are.
Art News from Miss Duffy
Last week we looked at primary, secondary and tertiary colours. The students enjoyed mixing their own colours using just the three primary colours of red, blue and yellow. We were amazed at how many different variations we had. We made colour wheels to show our learning and then used up the paints to begin to make a printed picture of sheep grazing. (We can't wait to show you the finished products).