From the Office

News From the Principal
If PROUD was a picture........
Friday Afternoons see our students introduced to a range of games and activities to learn about and try. Last week we worked on some giant floor puzzles and two of our youngest students were challenged with the task of completing one. At first they found it tricky but soon learned some strategies to help them complete the puzzle. The look on their faces when they were finished says it all.
End of Term
This is not too far away.... it being only a 9 week term in total. Our students will finish school on THURSDAY MARCH 28TH at 2.20pm (which means the bus will run one hour earlier than the regular time). Our final week of Term will include a visit from our littlest friends from the Raywood Playgroup; they will visit us on Monday March 25th and participate in some Easter craft and an Easter Egg Hunt, before trying out our new playground.
On the Thursday we invite all students to come out of uniform (they can even wear some bunny ears if they like) and we will be collecting donations for the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Students can bring along a gold coin or any other amount that hey wish to donate to this very worthy appeal.
Term 2 commences on Monday April 15th.
Lions Public Speaking
We have once again been invited to enter our Year 3-6 students in the Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition. Last year was our first year competing and the boost in confidence, sense of pride and increase in the ability of our students to create and deliver a speech were immense.
We will be working on the speeches in class during Term 2 and once completed we would encourage our students to practice them at home. A permission form will be sent home with students early next week and we ask that it is returned as soon as possible please. The competition date has not been set yet, but it will be around mid-year with the first round held at The Lion's Den across the road from East Loddon School.
School Grounds Works
Do you know anyone who would be interested in some work to build a large sandpit (wooden construction) and complete some garden and playground edging around the school? This person or persons would require an ABN so we can pay them with our school funds and ideally we would like the work completed over the next two or so months (before the wetter weather hits). If you know of anyone, please ask them to give Lisa a call at the school or to call in. Whilst these jobs are not huge they do require more than a working bee and a level of expertise.
Clean Up Australia/Raywood
Our students and staff took to the streets last Monday, armed with rubbish bags and gloves. This was our contribution to the Clean Up Australia Day initiative. We walked down to the recreation reserve and train station, picking up recyclable and non-recyclable rubbish on the way. We checked on our shrubs that we planted before the station opened, as well as did a bit of a general rubbish pick-up before heading back to school.
Smile Squad
Forms that were returned to school have now been delivered to the dental service. Thank you to those families who returned the forms and to those that completed the online registration. If you were intending to make use of this free service, you can still register online for the next few days.
I am still awaiting on an exact date and time for the Smile Squad visit and will let families know as soon as I can.
School Council News
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, March 25th at 5 pm. This will be a quick AGM followed by our regular March meeting.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy