Mabo House 


Welcome Mabo Students and Families,


Can you believe we are already in Week 6- the year is flying and our Mabo students are continuing to perform well in classrooms, on the sporting field and in musical performance.

Learning Habit Reports

Last week the College released the first of our Learning habit Reports for 2024. For YR 7 students or new members of our community theses are an indication on how well the student is doing in the classroom in the following areas:




Pursuing of Excellence

Using feedback in class


We believe that these skills are important for students success and we encourage you all to look at compass and see your score. Once you have seen what your teacher gave you then perhaps you will have something to work on for the remainder of Term 1 (or you can ask your teacher if you need to work on something!).

The Learning Habit Reports make up part of our House Championship with the average of all students being calculated and compared to the other Houses. It gives me great pride to announce that Mabo have had the best average for Term 1 (below):

We would like to also do a special mention to our top 10 Learning Habit Report students:

International Women’s Day

This Friday is International Women’s Day and the school is inviting all students to drop by Walton presentation space to celebrate the women in our lives. International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement. International Women’s Day gives focus to issues such as gender equalityreproductive rights, and respect for all women. Pop on into Mabo House and see the Women of Mabo (Ms Ashley, Ms Beattie, Ms Naidoo, Ms Bellgrove and Ms Sally) and wish them a great day! Also- at home take the chance to speak with your Mum’s, sister’s, Nanna’s and Aunties and thank them for all the work they do in support you and your family.

NAPLAN- YR 7 and YR 9

Next Tuesday in Mentoring (12 March) the YR 7 and YR 9 students will attend an assembly about how to prepare for NAPLAN. We know that sometimes this is a stressful time for students- we will have staff on hand to answer your questions and to give you some tips on how to prepare. Good luck with the testing- all you can do is your best. 


Mabo Staff Member of the Month- Russell Smits 


1. If you could be any historical figure for a day, who would you choose and why? Salvador Dali, I love his artwork and I would love to know what was the source of his inspiration and creativity.

2. If you could invite any 5 people to a dinner party who would they be and what would you eat? Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, George Carlin, Steven Hawking and Albert Namatjira for a Korean BBQ 

3. Imagine you're an inventor. What kind of invention would you create to make school life easier or more fun? Outdoor classrooms so our students can learn more and be engaged/enthused by our environment. 

4. What would you do if you won the lottery? By a small farm in the Hills with a lake and a few livestock and a little brewery.

5. If money was no object, where would you take your next holiday? The Galapagos to go diving, see the cool islands and funky animals.

6. If you could create a new subject that isn't currently taught in school, what would it be and why do you think it's important? Environmental Science, as I feel that understanding our environment is very important and our environment can teach us so much from the sciences to creativity....

7. Tell us about a book or movie that changed the way you think about something. What was the change? Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. Every topic and paragraph has great meaning and an amazing perspective. This book taught me so much about values, critical thinking and understanding others.

8. Imagine you're stranded on a deserted island with one book, one song, and one movie. Which ones would you choose and why? The Book would The Malaz book of the Fallen... I am cheating here as it is a huge series of books so I have heaps to read, but it is a great challenging "Book", the song would be Lateralus by Tool, I love the off beat rhythm, lyrics and bass, and the movie would be V for Vendetta as I like the action, message and the great ending that builds.

9. If you could host a podcast about any topic, what would the topic be and who would be your dream guest to interview? About alternative rock music. I would love to interview Dave Ghrol (and work out why he stole my look and made it better!), either that or about brewing some nice beverages.... maybe both brews and beats!

10. Describe the start of the year at HP in 3 words! Ambitious, friendly and rewarding



Mabo student of the month - Josh Chhean    


1. If you could be any historical figure for a day, who would you choose and why? Elon Musk, so that I can add his money to mine

2. If you could have any superpower that could help you with your schoolwork, what would it be? Mind-Reading so that I can see what the smartest person is thinking

3. Describe your dream school. What unique features would it have? Great education with fun teachers, free food and only nice people

4. If you could create a new subject that isn't currently taught in school, what would it be and why do you think it's important? Online Finance/Marketing, it would teach you how to make online businesses and make money.

5. If you were the principal of this school for a week, what would be the first thing you would change and why? Luxury toilets and better uniform

6. Imagine you're stranded on a deserted island with one book, one song, and one movie. Which ones would you choose and why? No book, one song would be ‘Last Last’ by Burna Boy and one movie would be Planet of the apes I never get tired of that movie.

7. If you could host a podcast about any topic, what would the topic be and who would be your dream guest to interview? The come up to success and I would interview Conor McGregor