School Feedback

Thank you to the 91 parents who took the time last year to complete the Parent Tell Them From Me Survey. This has provided the school with valuable feedback on how to further engage our students and families.

As a result, we are providing parents and families with opportunities to both speak with the school leadership and/or provide written feedback either through the office or via the Sentral Parent Portal App.

From today parents can fill in a feedback form located on the carousel in the office and hand it to the administration staff. Parents who cannot get to school have the opportunity to click on a Feedback Link which is available via the links button on the Sentral Parent Portal App. 

Any parents who wish to provide feedback or ask questions can speak directly with Mrs Donatiello, Mrs McCammond or Miss Presot in the school hall on Tuesday 19 March from 8.45am to 9.15am or from 6pm to 6.30pm.