Principal's Report

Principal's Message
5 Generations of Education at Boambee Public School
Boambee Public School is a very special place, it is recognised as outstanding by our community and by the Department of Education. There are many reasons for this, great teachers, strong leadership, excellent students, but the families of Boambee Public School are perhaps the most important aspect of our school's strength .
This year we are have welcomed our 5th generation of students from the Dines/Dean family. Octavia has joined us in Kindy for 2024. Octavia is the granddaughter of Cheree Dines who is one of our highly valued SLSO's. Below is a photo of the 5 generations of the Dines family that have been part of Boambee Public School.
This morning Emma (Octavia's mum) was telling me that when she was attending Boambee in 2002 that her grandfather came into the school as the oldest living ex student from Boambee Public School. He spoke to the school as part of the school's 100 year celebration. Emma also had Mrs Glover and Mrs Lang - who are still teaching at our school. You cannot get better connections and trust than that in a school!
Strategic Planning
Between now and the end of Term 1 I will be developing our next 4 year strategic plan, this is an important document and truly leads our actions and financial investments. Over the past four years we have focused our work and energy on curriculum expertise, student wellbeing and our systems and processes.
We have designed our systems and processes to ensure that all of our current work is sustainable, so this will all continue into the future. Within our next plan we continue our cycle of teacher professional learning through our Professional Learning Community (PLC). The main part of the investment here is paying for our instructional leader in mathematics and our teacher release. Our current focus on Mathematics will continue for at least 2 years of this plan.
The next big focus for our school will be extra curricular learning and our partnership with Toormina High School. We know form your feedback that successful transitions for Year 7 are very important to our families at Boambee. We have spent the last 6 months making plans with Toormina High School and improving these transitions.
I am very pleased with the support we are getting from Mr Humphrey and his team at Toormina. There have already been significant improvements made and I strongly encourage our families to consider the strength and importance of this pathway. Your taxpayer dollars already pay for your children's education, if this matters to you then you really need to get involved. I encourage anyone who wants to know more about the opportunities that are available within our public education pathway to call me. I would value the opportunity to have a conversation about why this is the best option for our students.
Our results in English and Mathematics are strong, being consistently higher than the government norm and statistically similar schools and we are blessed with an opportunity at Boambee to make learning even more fun! You will already be seeing the results of this with our student clubs, mountain biking, debating, TOM, choir and dance. This focus on the joy of education at Boambee Public School will be extended through a formalised focus at every PLC stage level where we will have a deliberate discussion on how we can make our learning as exciting as possible.
Whilst a lot of our strategic planning has already been identified via our situational analysis completed at the end of 2023, this term is dedicated to consultation. I invite any parents who wish to be involved in this planning to come along to our P and C meetings or to even give me a call to provide me with your feedback. I would be very excited to receive such a phone call!
Working Bee March 28,
4:30 PM
After having so much work done at school with new roofs and new carpet, our school needs a little TLC. We will be having a working bee in Week 9, and we need your help. If you have some skills and can give us your time please fill out the survey via the link below. The main focus will be gardening but if you have a trade we would like to maximise this opportunity with some minor repairs and paving.
We will provide a sausage sizzle and supervision for school aged children.
Working Bee Survey Link:
Basketball Donation
Special thanks to Rotary Club of Sawtell and Highgrove Bathrooms who this week donated 20 basketballs to our school. Some of our gun basketballers Jack, Jordan and Jordie were very happy to accept these balls on the schools behalf.
Principal's Awards
Isabelle Edmonds - KH
An outstanding start to primary school.
Alan Herden - 6G
I have witnessed Alan be an outstanding role model for his Kindergarten buddies.
Aria Harrison - 1D
Aria displays excellent listening skills and is an engaged and focused learner who is achieving her learning goals.
Olivia Gonzalez De Chavez Acosta - 1L
Olivia has settled in confidently to Boambee. She does everything with a smile!
Mylah Kerr - 3ML
Mylah is new this term. She has adjusted well and made an excellent transition to school life at Boambee.
Oliver Kent - 3ML
Oliver is new this term. He has adjusted well and made an excellent transition to school life at Boambee.
Chelsea Lambi - 5BG
For being a positive role model.
Gabby Simpson - 4M
Being a dedicated learner and positive role model.
Ava Phillips - 4/5WP
Donated a plant and created signage for the Environment Club's Waste-Free Wednesday Challenge.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.