Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Deputy Principal- Learning & Teaching

Parent Helpers Wanted

At St Joseph’s we recognise the importance of working in partnership with our families and the community. Through these partnerships, students are given the opportunity to deepen their learning and connect to other members of our community. 


Without the support of parents, many of the programs and opportunities we offer students would not be possible. To ensure the best learning opportunities for our students we are calling for volunteers to help in our classrooms. There are a number of different ways you can contribute to the school community and classroom helping is one way to support our students in their learning journey. 


To gain an understanding of what parent helpers do and the expectations of helpers we have created a short slideshow for our parent-helper induction program. All volunteers must view this sideshow and see Sue Jackson to sign a parent code of conduct before they begin supporting in the classroom.


To ensure the most effective use of our volunteers, teachers plan focused activities that rely on adult supervision. So we can plan these focused sessions, we ask that if you would like to volunteer your time please contact your classroom teacher to arrange times to come in and help.


We look forward to working together and supporting our students to grow.


Home Learning Page!

Please click on the link below to visit your child’s Home Leaning Page to stay up to date with their learning.