Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Term 1: Week 1
A very warm welcome to the new school year. It is my pleasure to be taking over as Head of Sport in 2024. I very much look forward to working with coaches, teachers, and the entire community to support the sporting endeavours of the young men at SPC.
In order for this to be a successful year, students, parents and carers must regularly check the information published through the Especean, SPC App, College Website and Daily Announcements to stay informed of all matters related to SPC sport.
Some key dates:
Event | Date |
Secondary House Swimming Carnival | Thursday 21 February (Week 4) |
Secondary House Athletics Carnivals | Tuesday 12 March (Week 7) |
ISA Swimming Carnival | Wednesday 13 March (Week 7) |
Secondary Winter Sport Trials | from Wednesday 20 March (Week 7) |
Winter Sport Internal Trials | Saturday 23 March (Week 8) |
BLACK AND GREEN SHIELD | Rugby, Football and Tennis Trial Fixture Saturday 6 April (Week 9) |
Baseball and Basketball Presentation Night | Wednesday 10 April (Week 11) |
Cricket and Swimming Presentation Night | Tuesday 9 April (Week 11) |
Uniform and attendance
It is the responsibility of all boys to be well aware of their teams training schedule, where their team is playing each week and to be correctly attired for their match. Boys attending fixtures in support are also reminded to wear their Supporter’s shirt and College shorts/tracksuit. If boys wish to wear a hat for sun protection, only the black College cap or white Greg Chappell style hat is to be worn.
Any request for leave from training or games is to be directed to Mr Calavassy or myself, in writing, well in advance.
Samuel Boggs
Head of Sport