
Welcome to 2024. A new school year filled with much anticipation and excitement. Personally, for me, I am extremely thrilled to assume the Director of Co-curricular role and I thoroughly look forward to leading the Co-curricular life of the College with the amazing staff we have.
I would like to welcome aboard the following staff members who are new to the Co-curricular team:
Samuel Boggs | Head of Sport |
Brett Davidson | Assistant Head of Sport |
Macquire Tatola | Head of Rugby |
Jason Falzon | Head of Football |
I have no doubt that these staff members, along with John Locke (Head of Co-curricular - Stage 3) and all other MIC’s will do a fantastic job in managing their activities for your son/s enjoyment and benefit.
Furthermore, please know that with the resumption of Summer Sport activities this week, I would like to take this opportunity to remind staff, parents/carers, and students of the expectation to attend all training session and fixtures. All absences need to be explained in writing from a parent/carer in a timely manner. Students will be reminded of their commitment made and those expectations.
I invite all families to keep an eye out for information about how they can be involved in the life of the College through assisting at Co-curricular activities. In the meantime, wishing you all a very pleasurable 2024 school year.
McGlade Library Homework Club Re-opens
I am pleased to advise parents/carers and boys that the McGlade Library will re-open and be supervised from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM Monday to Friday as of Monday 5 February. The Homework Club will provide an environment that is quiet and supervised by staff members available to assist the boys with developing good study habits, techniques, timetables, and the like.
Students will be expected to sign-in and sign-out at the commencement and conclusion of their homework session and are not compelled to stay for the full duration of the above-mentioned time. They should however make their parents/carers aware as to what period of time they will be using this facility to arrange travel home.
Those students availing themselves of this service are encouraged to bring some snacks and refreshments which they can consume between 3:10 PM and 3:30 PM. Please note that the McGlade Library will cater to a maximum of 60 boys per afternoon.
The following expectations will be placed on students attending these after-school Homework Club sessions, in that they are:
- not to use their devices to play games
- to remain on task and
- to respect the privacy of others by working quietly.
The College is hopeful that a number of families will benefit from this service. Any queries in relation to this matter should be directed to me in the first instance. Please note that Homework Club will not proceed on the following days:
- Friday 9 February due to Opening Mass and High Achievers’ Ceremony
- Wednesday 21 February due to the Senior School Swimming Carnival
Anthony Calavassy
Director of Co-curricular
Performing Arts Production 2024
We are pleased to announce that the musical for 2024 is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Auditions will take place next week on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 February from 3:30 PM in the Duffy Music Centre. Students who nominated the production on their Co-curricular Form are expected to audition. The auditions are also open to all Years 7 to 12 students - we have a range of roles, and we would love to see many of you audition. There are also roles for those who would like to help behind the scenes to build sets and props.
Those wishing to audition can email Ms Duff or complete the link that was emailed to students.
Performances will be held at the Bryan Brown Theatre on 19, 20 and 22 June, with tickets available for purchase at the end of Term 1.
Rebecca Duff
Head of Performing Arts | MIC Performing Arts Production and Theatresports
All Schools Cricket Challenge - ASCC 2024
The First XI squad travelled to Brisbane in the second week of January to participate in the inaugural All Schools Cricket Challenge, comprising teams from schools linked with EREA and other school cricket associations. With over 26 schools (and over 40 teams) it was one of the largest carnivals of its kind for schoolboy cricketers in the Southern Hemisphere.
The SPC team again participated in the Division One Shield competition; ultimately placing fifth out of twenty teams in a week regularly impacted by wet weather. The results are listed below.
Among the highlights of the carnival was the century scored by William Allen (130 runs) in the loss to Villanova College. William was subsequently selected in the Carnival Merit Team, being the only player to register 3-figures over the three competition days. He was nearly joined in the side by Joshua Malone, who was one of the leading wicket-takers in the round-robin phase, ending up with 10 wickets for the carnival.
First XI Squad: Jack Roberts [c], William Allen, Alex Au-Yeung, Logan Barry, Tom Charles, Declan Fletcher, Charlie Gray, Luke Hill, James Kelly, Joseph Lombardo, Joshua Malone, Ronan O’Neill, Matthew Plunkett, Justin Ryan.
Fixture | Result |
Game 1: Padua College [Brisbane] | SPC 3-105 def. Padua 7-104 |
Game 2: Villanova College [Brisbane] | Villanova 8-249 def. SPC 10-248 |
Game 3: Rostrevor College [Adelaide] | SPC 1-85 def. Rostrevor 10-81 |
Game 4: Hale College [Perth] | Hale 6-204 def. SPC 10-127 |
Many thanks to Mr Allan and Mr Petersen who accompanied me with the players. Similarly, I extend thanks to the parents, carers and siblings who travelled to Brisbane to support the squad.
Robert Simpson
First XI Coach